Blood in the Water 6

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Some fluff, cause I don't know about you, but I need it. Shits intense.


Three days had passed, it was now Tuesday. They had to wait for Wednesday for Vincenzo to be at the Sin Bin and they had hidden out at Rocco's mother's house in the meantime, making a plan. It had been strange for Lila to get used to, seeing guns laying about the place or watching her boys clean them, listening to them talking about it all. She tried to distract herself by cleaning and cooking, Rocco's mother would be out of town with family for over a month so they had time to stay here. She thought back to the loft, the place that was once her lovely home with the boys. All of their stuff was still there; Murphy's camera. She knew he'd have no use for it now but she thought about all the pictures he had taken, maybe she could get them developed.

She stood in the kitchen and dumped her morning coffee down the sink, she wasn't sure if the stress of everything was getting to her but she felt sickly and coffee was turning her stomach. She sighed and walked into the living room where the boys and Rocco sat on the couches talking about the plan for the next night.

"I need to head out for a little bit." Lila said as she grabbed her hoodie. The boys' conversation stopped dead and they turned to look at her.

"Like fuck yer leavin'." Connor looked at her incredulously.

"What he said." Murphy chimed in, scowling at her.

"Look, I need to grab some shit, if I need a chaperone I'm sure Rocco can come with me." She stated dryly, grabbing her bag. Rocco glanced up at her, quirking a brow before looking almost nervously to the boys. The boys frowned as they watched her. She hadn't been mad at them since they sorted it out but she hadn't been as close as normal either. They slept in the same bed in the main bedroom but she seemed to avoid any affection otherwise. They had only managed to sneak a few chaste kisses from her when she was distracted. They wondered why she didn't want them to accompany her.

"I...uh... I dunno Lila." Rocco hesitated, looking from her to the boys, obviously worried he'd get his ass kicked.

"There's something I want to do, you'll find out when I get home. But I'm going alone or with Rocco, so it's your choice." She sighed, looking to Connor and then Murphy. They shared a look, confused but also defeated. They weren't going to let her go anywhere alone with the shit storm they had created looming over them all. Connor waved a hand, letting Rocco know to go and he got up, grabbing his coat. He left with her and they made their way to his car. She got in the passenger side and heaved a sigh.

"You wanna tell me what the fuck we're doin'?" Rocco asked warily as he got in the car.

"I need to head to the loft, I want some of my stuff. I need Murphy's camera and then I want to get the pictures developed." She said, nibbling her lower lip as she glanced almost shyly at him. His face softened then, giving her his usual Rocco smile that warmed her heart, reminding her he wasn't just a crazy killer, he was her lovable caveman best friend.

They went to the loft and it didn't take long for Lila to pack up some shit, mainly clothes for her and the boys and Murphy's camera. She eyed some of Connors books on the way out and decided to stuff some in her bag in case he wanted to read them, if he had fucking time that was. They found a place to get the pictures done in a part of town where no one would recognise them. They sat inside whilst they waited, side by side in silence. Rocco had been quiet, sensing her mood, he had cracked a few jokes and made her laugh a few times but he could sense she was still feeling weird about the whole thing.

"So, friend to friend, how you holdin' up?" He asked warily as he glanced at her. She chewed her lower lip as she just stared off at nothing.

"I'm doing alright I guess. Still just trying to...grasp it really." She admitted quietly. Rocco nodded in understanding.

Blood in the Water (Sequel to Such a Softer Sin) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now