Blood in the Water 7

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Anxiety, murder and serious talks.


Wednesday, the day of the Sin Bin. Lila had been an anxious mess all day, clucking round like a mother hen asking the boys if they had all their shit ready, if they had enough ammo, if the guns were clean. The boys were exasperated with her but it was endearing at the same time how worried she was. They understood her acceptance over the situation, but they knew it was still shitty for her, having to just wait at home and worry until they got back. So they were patient with her constant mothering, giving her smiles and being reassuring. She had just followed Murphy into the kitchen with a barrage of questions, the same questions she'd been asking all day.

"Yes m'girl, we got everythin'." Murphy sighed for the millionth time as he turned to face her, giving her a smile. He took both her hands and he was surprised to feel them shaking slightly, the poor girl really was scared, it made his heart ache a little. He pulled her closer, hands going either side of her face as he looked down at her.

"We're comin' back aye? Don't need te worry so much, we'll always come back home te ye." He whispered firmly, looking her dead in the eye with such confidence it made her relax just a little. The boys clearly believed in themselves, she should believe in them too. God wouldn't have sent them on this mission if they couldn't do it after all. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as she nodded, making Murphy give her a beautiful smile. He leant down, capturing her lips with his own, hand tangling into her hair and pulling her even closer if that was possible. She melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as his tongue tangled with hers, dominating her mouth. When he pulled away, she was breathless, looking up at him with that dazed look that always gave him a surge of male pride. He flashed her a boyish grin and she couldn't help but smile back, kissing his cheek sweetly before moving away to let him finish what he was doing.

She glanced at Connor then, watching as he stuffed some rope into a bag. She quirked her brow wondering what on earth he'd be using that for but didn't ask. She walked over tentatively, trying to channel some of Murphy's confidence. She didn't want them to think she didn't believe in them, she was just worried. She loved them, of course she'd be worried. Connor stopped what he was doing as he saw her, watching her carefully with an amused smile.

"Yes mother, I have what I need." He teased playfully, making her blush and look at the floor. He felt guilty then, he had only been joking, he didn't want to embarrass the poor girl. He closed the gap between them, hands either side of her neck as he looked down at her lovingly.

"I'm only teasin' sweetheart, I know ye mean well." He said softly, thumbs stroking her neck as her hands rested on his chest.

"I just...worry." She replied, her brow furrowed a little.

"I know ye do lass, but we'll be fine and be back wit' ye soon enough." He promised, looking at her earnestly. She gave him a little smile and nodded, leaning into him as he kissed her firmly. His kiss was slow but sensual, taking his time to claim her mouth. Her knees went weak and when he pulled away she blinked up at him, making him smirk at her. He kissed her forehead before turning back to his task at hand.

She turned to look at Rocco then, he was fidgety and she couldn't work out of he was nervous or excited. He was the variable that had been thrown in. He hadn't had the dream, the calling from God, yet at the same time, everything happens for a reason. He was on this mission by God too in his own right, things had been aligned to make it so and despite Rocco not being as devout as the boys, she knew his mission was just as holy deep down under the surface. It was meant to be, just as God wanted it, like everything else. He saw her walk over and he gave her a lopsided grin, pulling her in for a hug instantly. She smiled to herself as she wrapped her arms around him.

Blood in the Water (Sequel to Such a Softer Sin) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now