Author's Note- THE END

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Well that's the end of Plight of an Empire! If you've stuck around this long you probably have some questions like, "What's going to happen to Runa since Lytus was invaded?" and "What about Elendil? Is he ever going to clear his name?" and of course "Why are the twins getting a happy ending? They're the bad guys!" Well, have no fear! There's to be a sequel after I revise this book.

I don't know if I'm going to post the revision on Wattpad yet because there's another site that I like to use for more professional readers since I do plan on eventually publishing. I'll update you all with additional chapters once I start and finish my revision process.

Until then, any and all who want to give me their ideas on what they think I should keep and get rid of, I'd be more than happy to listen. I hope to be working on some more projects now that I've finished this one and I hope you take a look at those when I get around to them! :)

Well my friends, thank you for reading Plight of an Empire!

Much love.

Plight of an EmpireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ