Chapter Thirty Two- part 3: Arkayus

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When the Revenge found harbor, a man of the guard came aboard demanding to know who they were.  He held a board with a piece of parchment on it in one hand and in the other a quill.  Captain Bander stepped up to the man.  “This is my ship, the Rohan’s Revenge.  I am Captain Oryck Bander.  We’ve come from the Didaan.  Lord Storn Colgrave of Winterhold is among us.”  The lord stepped forward, brandishing the crescent moon in his chest.  “As did King Arkayus of House Strom.”  Arkayus took a breath and stepped forward.

He was not in any cloth that bore his sigil, nor did that cloth he wear show that he was a rich man.  His tunic was cotton, as was his breeches.  His cloak was wool and a steel clamp fastened it beneath his chin.  It did not surprise him when the guard laughed.

“Arkayus is the prince of Didaan, not king,” said the guard.  “Liars are not permitted within the walls of Mynoa.  You may leave now.”

Arkayus grabbed the man by the arm, knocking the board out of his hand.  “I was prince.  Now I am king because a man my father trusted slit his throat and put a blade in my mother’s heart!  I demand to be taken to High Queen Audriel.”  Behind him, he felt his golem rise and vibrate the boat with every step.

The guard’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped as he gazed up at the creature.  Arkayus suppressed a smile.  He looked back at the crownless king.

“You have on my word that this is King Arkayus Strom,” said Lord Colgrave.  “Everything he has said is true.  The king and queen lie dead at the foot of the Throne of Stone, that makes him king now.”

The king fell to a knee in front of Arkayus.  “My apologies, Your Grace.  You did not look—”

“Like a king?” Arkayus cut him off.  “I’m well aware.  I did not have time to take any of my belongings with me as I was chased from my home.  Take me to the high queen.”

The guard nodded and led them off the ship.  Lord Colgrave stopped Tiela on the deck.  “Stay here with your brother and sister.  I will send for someone to bring you and the younger ones to me.”

She looked ready to protest, but a single look from her father stifled that.  She merely nodded and gave a single, quiet word to the lord before returning below deck, red-faced and scowling.  The woman had a fire in her.  He liked that.

The streets of Mynoa were crowded with the refugees fleeing to the safety within the walls.  With all the people there now, it was a struggle to move along the streets.  And a stench hung in the air that could only come from a high density of people dwelling in a small space.  He would have to remember to not drink the water here.

The guardsman led the pair, along with a few on Lord Colgrave’s household guard and Arkayus’s stone golem, down the streets to towards the White Keep.  They passed a baker selling bread for five silver bears.  A crowd was gathered around him, spewing curses at the man who would charge so much to women and children who had lost their homes.  The baker just sneered at them and demanded five silvers for his bread.  But when Arkayus and his golem walked past, they all paused to stare wide eyed at the walking creature of stone.

Children with ragged clothes ran in between the legs of the travelers, cutting purses of those stupid enough to keep them tied to their belts.  Arkayus saw one boy open his prize, only to sling it down in fury.  Out of the mouth, a bunch of rocks fell out.  He grinned at that.

“Brother Brienus,” said the guard to a man in armor of black, gold, and white.  A man of the Brotherhood of Dawn.  “This is King Arkayus Strom of Didaan and Lord Storn Colgrave of Winterhold.  They have demanded to be taken to the high queen.”

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