Chapter Five- part 2: Audriel

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The solar was located on the second level of the palace.  It was where her father hosted many a council meeting and wrote many a new law.  It was where the kings of past had operated.  The room had seen much history created.  Every step she took echoed off the walls of the corridor.  The second level was mostly desolate save for a few servants and guests roaming the halls.  Most of the guests remained on the third level, either sleeping or weeping.

When she entered the solar she saw that most of the advisors had already arrived.  They all stood and bowed upon her entry before returning to their seats.  At the head of the room, a large throne-like chair sat.  This was where the king would sit to speak and listen to his advisors.  Audriel had only ever been to a handful of meetings.  What she remembered of them were how dreadfully boring she found them.  Very few exciting events occur during a time of peace.

The throne of the solar was seated on a dais.  It was carved of oiled wood and layered with goose down pillows.  At the head of the throne, a large soaring eagle was carved.  Two sapphires were placed where the eyes would be.  The princess took her father’s—her seat and watched the advisors chat amongst themselves, waiting for the remaining to appear.  She did not have to wait long before Jyrik appeared with the remaining in tow.  Each man bowed to Audriel and found their seat at the table below.

Jyrik approached Audriel and bowed.  “I wish to remain with the counsel, Your Majesty”, he requested.  “It would be an honor to serve you at this given time.”  Though Jyrik’s place was with his family, she wanted him here.  He should know the trade before he is crowned King of Hermuna anyway.

“Request granted”, the princess replied.  He stood up and smiled gratefully at her.  Thank you he mouthed to her.  She nodded back.

The room had fallen silent as they waited for her to speak.  She stood and looked down at them.  “At this moment, I would like to take a minute to remember my father”, she said.  The men murmured in agreement.  “High King Odirius Pellinor was a great man and greater king.  We prospered under his reign.  He upheld the peace our predecessors fought so valiantly to create.  He will never be forgotten.  He will live on, as an immortal, in the tales and memories we have of him.  Instead of mourning his death, we will celebrate his life and everything he did for the empire.  To the king”, she picked up a tankard of mead and thrust it in the air.

The advisors followed suit and thrust their drinks in the air.  “To the King!” they chorused, before chugging the mead and slamming the empty tankards on the table.  A few men applauded her and the others nodded with tearful smiles.

She took her seat again.  “Now, on to the matter at hand”, she began, crossing her leg over the other.

Lord Ronan stood up.  “The murderers, Lisbette and Laelette Pellinor, have been placed under arrest in the dungeon.  Special precautions have been taken to avoid another escape.  As you know, those two are very strong.  They killed six of my men before they were brought down.  I would have had them killed, but no one could get close enough to land a blow nor could an arrow reach them before it was burnt to a crisp.  We managed to trap them and bring them back to the castle, peacefully.”

“How did you manage that?” one of the advisors, Sir Dryfus Haerich asked.  “They don’t seem the type to just up and surrender.”

“They didn’t.”  Lord Ronan cleared his throat.  “We tracked where they were going and placed a division of archers armed with darts coated with the sap the Druiki plant among their route.  The murderers never saw it coming.  They were taken back to the castle in their sleep.  I would assume they would be awaking up anytime now.”  Audriel was impressed with Ronan’s plan.  The Druiki plant was famous among Rundileans for its pain alleviating properties as well as its ability to put people into a deep sleep if potent enough.

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