Chapter Eight- part 2: Audriel

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The coronation feast was even greater than her own coming-of-age feast and her father’s funeral feast combined.  The kings of the countries of the empire financed it entirely, to celebrate the reign of their new ruler.

Hailing for the Sarmunian Isles, House Thurston sponsored dozens of different species of fish and crab and lobster.  Tilapia baked with lemon and garlic, salmon glazed with vinegar and wine, scallops drowned in butter and lemon all lined the tables of the Great Hall.  King Glador Thurston of the Isles told Audriel his secret for keeping the fish fresh over long distances.  “You need to transport them alive”, he told her.  “You can’t kill them and expect them to not rot over the course of a trip.”

House Strom of Didaan, sponsored venison, boar, and beef.  The elk and deer of the Didaanese countryside were renowned for their size.  It was said that the boar of Didaan could run a horse through and never ceased its charge.  King Wymare Strom claims that the reason they are so well endowed with animals such as those if because they are blessed by the gods for rejecting the use of magic.  Every time the Stroms began to rant about the evils of magic, Audriel tuned them out and chowed on the succulent meat.

From her uncle and aunt, the Attwoods of Lytus, the finest vegetables and fruits adorned the tables.  The farmlands of Lytus are known among the empire for being the most fertile.  Tomatoes grew bigger than a grown man’s fist.  Apples fell off the trees of the orchards and more grew at a quick rate.  Broccoli, potatoes, zucchini, spinach, cauliflower, squash, cucumbers, peppers, avocado, strawberries, rice, wheat, blueberries, pineapple, and more it all grew in the fields of Lytus.  To the northern part of the country, the temperatures were mild and to the south, the temperatures were hot.  The various temperatures across the country ensure the success of the vegetation. 

The Haerich house of Hermuna supplied the various breads, wines, and cheeses their country was known for.  Audriel’s uncle, King Dravin Benson, swore to her that the booze will never stop flowing all night.  So far, he had remained true to his word.

Seated on the dais at the head of the Great Hall, the head chair was finally filled.  High Queen Audriel sat and watched her guests below her.  Seated with her, included her family and the ruling families of the empire.  To her right, her mother sat.  Beside her sat, her brother-in-law and sister—the king and queen of Hermuna.  Seated next to them, the king and his son, the prince, of the Sarmunian Isles sat.  To Audriel’s left, her aunt, Queen Ambrosine Attwood of Lytus, and uncle, King Thrynn Attwood of Lytus, sat.  To their left, the Stroms of Didaan were seated.

In the tables below the dais, the noble families and respected friends sat with their families.  She spotted her lord uncle, Lord Ronan, eating and conversing with his friends.  His wife and son sat beside him.  They looked as solemn as ever.  Sofur had joined Ronan at his table, as he had no wife or children of his own.  Audriel had asked him to join her at the Great Table, but he refused saying something along the lines of how uncouth it would be for a non-ruling family member to be seated amongst kings and queens.

The men drank and made merry as the hired dancers teased them with flowing skirts and scarves.  They kissed the cheeks of the drunken men, who were too inebriated to even see the looks of scorn from their wives.

“How are you enjoying the feast?” Elviva asked her.  Her mother was still wearing the same black silks she wore at the coronation.  Her eyes caught on the glistening medallion around her daughter’s neck.  Audriel’s fingers unconsciously stroked the cool metal.

“It is certainly entertaining”, she replied, turning her gaze back to the organized chaos below.  “Have you spoken to Jyrik?” she asked her mother.  Her thoughts had been with her cousin constantly.  She saw him at her coronation seated in the back pews of the temple, hidden in the shadows.  He was not present at the feast, she knew.  She had scanned the tables multiple times looking for his face.

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