Chapter 2: Drama Here, Drama There

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Graduation day. I'm surprised that I actually graduated with being out of school for so long. I have done extra classes at the Cullen house because we are afraid that I might still harm someone, but today that changes.

I have been shoved into a simple black tulle short dress by none other than Alice herself. She still likes me although Jackson is still sour. She stops picking on me for a second to help Rose zip her dress. I run as fast as I can out of the room. Once I'm a few halls down, I stop and slouch against a wall. Emmett walks up next to me out of his room.

"How bad is it?" he asks, and I groan in response. "That bad huh?" he asks with a smirk. I give him a bitch face. "Alright," he says putting up his hands in surrender.

"Is she always like this? Oh, wait, why did I even ask? She is always like this. I could get out of bed in the morning in sweats and she'll yell at me," I complain. Emmett chuckles. "It's not my fault I'm not a fashionista."

"Emmett, how do I look?" Jasper asks walking out of the same room.

"You look great," Emmett says with a smile.

"She's that bad?" Jasper asks me.

"Yeah, I am so jealous of Bella. At least she can go with a Cullen without being poked and prodded at by Alice," I whine.

"Willow!" Alice shouts from across the house.

"Speak of the devil," I mumble.

"Why did you run off. I haven't even gotten to your hair!" Alice complains running up next to me.

"I'm not getting involved in this. Sorry, Wills," Emmett says walking back into his room.

Alice grabs my wrist and tugs. "Alright, alright, I'm coming."

She brings me back to her room to poke into my skull with a gazillion bobby pins.

I look into the mirror and see that she did a mini braid wrapped high bun. "Alice, this is so much," I complain.

"Well, you are a Cullen, so you will get used to it," Rose promises.

"I'm not a Cullen," I say.

"Yet," Alice adds. "Besides you're already my best friend, so I get to spoil you likewise."

Rose finishes off with her eyeliner, and walks over to me. "Makeup time."


"Don't make that face or it won't look nice," Rose says sternly.

"Do your worst," I dare. Both girls suddenly attack my face.

An hour and ten pounds of make up later, the girls are done. I have deep red lipstick with natural eye shadow. Once the girls are positive we are done, it's around eleven in the morning. That tells you how early they started getting me ready.

Alice begins to hand me a pair of stilettos. "Oh, hell no. You got me into a dress, did my hair all fancy, and put makeup on my face. I'm choosing my shoes," I say looking her dead in the eye.

"Why won't you just wear them?" she asks.

"Because, I don't feel like tripping trying to walk everywhere. So, I'm choosing my shoes," I say stomping my foot like a child.

Alice rolls her eyes. "Fine, but please don't go in slides," she begs.

"I'm not that lowly," I say. She give me that 'oh really' face.

I walk out of the room walking very steadily so I don't wreak their job. I get to my room, and grab black flats. I meet the girls by the staircase. Alice and Rose give me a once over. "Don't agree with the shoes, but I guess," Alice sighs.

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