Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Zed was thrown to the ground after Aunt Dis put her hand into the light. She landed on all fours on a rocky cliff. Despite a big hole in her leggings, she got up and looked around her. She saw that Aunt Dis, Tedv and Dunrik had landed about 20 meters away from her. They were still getting up but Zed could still see that they all looked worried. She also saw that the shadow was in front of her, but it was joined by a man dressed in a black cloak. He was very scary, and he frightened Zed. She looked over at the company and saw that they were all very pale and looked very worried. Aunt Dis looked like she was going to cry. They had stood up, and they were all huddled together. Then the shadow glided forward so it was in the middle of Zed and the man in the black cloak.

"The time is nearly here to decide who is the one to save the universe. This meeting was prophased before the beginning of time to decide the Chalber One." Aunt Dis burst into tears at the shadow's words. Dunrik put his arms around her shoulders and whispered something to her.

"When shall be that time, Holy Light Shadow?" The man asked. His voice was loud and booming.

"All will come in good time, God Verded Willdread," the shadow said. "Be patient." Zed started shaking. What was going on?

Chell! What's going on? Zed shouted in her mind.

Don't shout, Zed. I've been here since after you got dressed. Don't panic.

Chell, I don't know what is going on! I know that it is something important, because it has been planned since before the beginning of time, and if don't know what it is! That may be a problem. Can you help me?

I will help you, it's my duty. But for now, stay calm. You'll be fine. Not trusting Chell, Zed became even more worried. Then she felt her necklace burning again. She held it away from her chest so it didn't burn her.

Why does my necklace burn? She asked Chell. Can you stop it?

I'll explain later. No, I can't stop it. His voice was deep and calming. But then the shadow moved forward again. Zed watched it closely as it might tell her what is going on.

"The time has come to decide the Chalber One. God Verded Willdred and Zedra Waterxia are the chosen ones to complete this task. As it was written in the stars, the Chalber One must be decided now." The shadow moved back to the edge of the cliff and Zed could feel her necklace burning again.

Chell! What do I do?

Stay calm. Verded is going to try and kill you. Chell's voice sounded calm.

What?! How do I stay calm with him trying to kill me? But the voice didn't answer. So Zed just stood there, shaking. She looked at her right and saw that Aunt Dis started crying again. She looked at Verded and saw he was gathering a ball of water in his hand. Without expecting it, he launched it at Zed and it ripped the bottom part of her dress. She fell backwards from the pressure and her head hit a rock. Blood gushed from it and she heard Aunt Dis scream.

Get up! You need to fight Verded. Hesitantly, Zed got up and looked at Verded.

What should I do? She asked Chell. The was a slight pause and Zed could see Verded building up another water ball.

Use your necklace! Hurry, he's got another water ball. Without question, Zed grabbed her necklace and pointed it at Verded. She felt power building up in her and as she pointed it at Verded a massive explosion of light came out of the shell. She was blinded for a moment and when she could see again she saw Verded lying on the ground. The shadow went over to the God and inspected Him. Zed was shaking badly and she was very pale. Then the shadow went over to Zed.

"Behold the Chalber Child!" The shadow shouted. Zed started shaking so badly her knees gave way. Then she felt a burning on her chest. She pulled out her necklace but it wasn't that. She looked down her dress and saw a burn mark on her chest in the shape of a circle. Then she heard someone coming towards her but she was in darkness on the ground before she knew who.

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