Last chapter: alternate ending 2: I'm happy

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Ah! Its the end!!! Yay! So, this is the happy ending that most of you wanted. After his chapter would be an after words and what I'm planning to write in the future. Some won't be happy, some will but that talk is for later. Enjoy this last part.

Kaminari's Pov

'What is happening? My head is ringing. There is screams in my ears. My vision is blury I can't see a thing, all I see is red stains and shadows. My head hurts. I can't move my body. I can't remember a thing!'

I tried lifting my arms but it once I tried moving it, it was like my arm wasn't there anymore. It feels like it was ripped ro shred. I screamed. Well, I tried to but nothing would come out of my throat. Its like my voice box crumbled and it isn't there anymore. Everything then came rushing into my head like a wave rushing onto the shore. Kyoka, dad, everyone, Aizawa-sensei, Dabi, All for one.

'Thats right. Am I... dead?'

I tried to move my arm and once again the pain prieced through my whole body however, I could feel that my arm is there and moved it so that I could wipe my eyes and see better. Once I did, I could see alot better. The first one I saw was Kyoka. How am I still alive...?

3rd person's pov

What Kaminari didn't know that whatever he tried to do while in pain, he was actually doing it in real life. Now, lets rewind abit...

The villains was on the ground defeated. The 1-A class stood there processing all of the information that was happening. The first thing they did when they had finished analyzing what happened was sighed in relief. But before they even got to take inhale normally, they gasp remembering the fact that Kaminari wasn't standing in front of them in a victory stance, instead, he was laying on the ground, not responsing or moving. Almost like if he was dead.

"Denki!!" Kyoka shouted and ran towards the almost lifeless body. She sliped on the concrete and fell but still sat up to look at her loved one. Burns are visible on his skin and that made her heart ache even more. She shook his body lightly repearing the sentence "Denki, wake up! Its me" while teaes were starting to form in her eyes.

"KAMINARI!" Kirishima shouted as he shook Denki intensly. Kaminari's finger started to twitch as he was trying to attempt moving it. His eyes was slowly opening but he still couldn't see a thing.

"Denki! You're awake!" Kyoka loomed over the boy on the ground. However, his hands dropped and his eyes closed immediatly after lifting his hand up followed by the actions was a scream of agony which of course startled everyone. The scream made everyone jump back. No one had ever heard Kaminari scream like that neither had they heard him scream seriously or in pain. All they'd hear was him screaming because of girls in comic book, magazines or the girl's hero costume was too exposing.

Once he'd wipe his eyes, everything was coming back to him at once. As he smiled at his classmate and his almost crying girl friend they all teared up.

"Kaminari! You asshole! Why'd you have to scream like that?!" Ashido shouted as she pouts. Kaminari just chuckled as he attemps to stand up which jiro stopped him.

"Denki, you're not standing up. You're sitting." Jiro held his hand to prevent him from standing properly which cause him to sit back down again.

"All right. I'll sit." Kaminari said as he took a good look at his girlfriend. He took his hand and wiped away the almost falling tears of Kyoka. How'd they not fall already? God knows. Thats not the point.

"Oi Dunce face. Stand up." Bakugo said walking to Kaminari and pulled him up to a standing position by his collar.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima held his arm back to stop his actions but the angry blond shook him off as a vein popped in his head. He gritted his teeth as he clutched his fist. His head hanging down and not making eye contact with the person he calls "Dunce face" he rose his fist and gave the guy a goodnpunch in the face sending him flying to a wall near them as he slid down with his face throbbing.

"Kachan! What are you doing?!" Deku shouted as he held kachan back, preventing him from flying into the wall and crushing the poor guy.

"Trying to hog all the heroic acts huh? Dunce face. Don't screw with me!? Do you know how much you made everyone worry?! Do you know that you have comrades to help tou fight!? What the Duck are we to you!? HAH?! ANSWER ME DUNCE FACE!" Bakugo shouted as sparks came out of the palms of his hands.

"Heh, I'm sorry, didn't know you like to do heroic stuff." Kaminari smiled.

"Lets go home, Denki." Kyoka said as she pushed Bakugo away.

"Yeah, lets go home." He smiled.

———————-10 Years later ———————-

"Kamikiri! Carefull, you don't want to fall." The purple haired you woman shouted as she caught the purple hair boy.

"Let him be, honey. He's a strong man! He could manage on his own. Right buddy?" The yellowed hair man smiled as he gave his son a piggy back ride.

"Papa! I want one too!" The little girl puted as she raised her hands up.

"Ok, Kamika after your big brother." The man smiled.

"I want, it now!" She screamed as her the rolm was shocked with electricity.

"What the- Kyoka! Look at this!" The man said.

"Earlobes that emmits electricity!?" The married couple shouted as they looked at eachother.

"Ah! Kamika, you're quirk is so cool!" The 7 year old kid shouted.

"But I wanted to have a quirk like yours!" The little girl shouted.

"You're quirk is very unique, Kamika. It'll represent you in the future." They blond said as his daughter smiled. The two children ran and played with eachother as the two parents watched them.

"I love you, Kyoka."

"I love you too, Denki."


8th of July 2019

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