Chapter 7: packing

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Kaminari walked into his room, thinking about what Aoyama said. He shook the thought off as he got out his duffle backpack and opened it up. It was a cuztomized duffle bag that he had made a while ago. He had one for himself and gave one to Jiro. His was Yellow and black with a lightning design on the front and has two section that are seperated once opened up. Jiro's was the same, but the design was different. Her's was a purple and black with a heart beat kind of desing on it. It can also act like a normal luggage. He placed rolled up shirts one side and his pants on the other. After was done, he zipped it up and placed it on his table. He then got his strapped bag that was black and placed around 10 power banks, a phone charger and an extra cable. He stuffed it in along with his passport and things he needed. He still had a bunch of room in his bag and he was wondering what Jiro would pack. So, he closed his door and walked to over Jirou's dorm. He has an extra key but he still knocked, respecting privacy 'ya know?

"Denki? What're you doing here at this time?" Jiro asked opening the door.

"Well, I had extra room in my duffle bag so I wanted to ask you what you're planning to take with you as an extra thing." He smiled scratching his head.

"Well, I was thinking to go out and buy some tools to repair the hero costume if it gets broken, considering this is still a training experience." She said tapping her chin.

"Good point. Do you want to head out tommorow and buy the things?" He asked looking at the girl.

"Yeah, sure. Let's meet at 9 in the common room." She said looking up at the lad. She blushed and looked away as Kaminari did the same.

"Yeah, I was also thinking that should we go and pack a formal suit or something? Just in case if the school plans on getting us to ball or something." He said smilling nervously. Jiro then went to her closet and took out two dressess.

"Which one should I take?" She asked. The dress on the right was the dress she wore to I-island, the one on the left is one of those dress you would normally wear to a wedding. Kaminari then pointed to the one on the right. Wondering where she had gotten the dress on the left.

"The right one fits you more. You'll look beautifull." He said. A blush crept onto his face after her realized what he was saying. The two stood there blushing.

"U-uh I-I'm gonna go back and pack. See 'ya tommorow!" He said nervously.

"Y-yeah, bye." Jirou said closing the door.

To be continued~

Osu! Rou here again. So, uh, chapter seven is short. However, I have some intresting things planned for chapter 8 so, stay tuned! As always, Stay Safe and Read Daily! Rou out!!!!

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