Chapter 5: Falling for her?

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Kaminari's pov

I woke up screaming. I looked around to see my blanket being burnt. I quickly spilled water on it as I wondered what caused it to be burnt. I looked at the clock to see that it was currently 3 am. There is no way I will be able to go back sleep so why not take a jog? I put on my U.A gym jacket as I went outside the campus. I started to jog laps around the campus and before I knew it, the sun was rising. I looked at it abit as I went back and took a shower and put on the U.A uniform. I packed my bag with the school supplies I needed and went down to the common room. Only to see Jirou eating a sandwich. I checked the clock to see that it was only 5 am. Jirou noticed me and gave me a quick smile as she continued eating.

"Why are you always up so early?" I asked wondering why.

"I don't know, its been a habit. You should know this Denki." She answered. I chuckled as I grabbed a salad. Sitting across from Jirou, I suddenly notticed how mature she looked. Her hair was slightly longer then when she was small. All her features on her face were more clearer to me. She looked beautifull.

"What're you looking at?" My thoughts was interupted by Jirou. Looking at me.

"N-nothing at all!" I stummered as a blushed then crept on my face. What is wrong with me? And why is my heart beating so fast!? I shook the thoights off and looked at my watch. It was about time to head off. Well, I thought it was. But the truth is its only 6:30 and school starts at 7:20 am. Everyone was comming down now. I waved good bye to Jirou as she did the same to me. I walked out of the dorm as I ran to the campus. I suddenly remembered yesterday's dream. It gave me chills as I sat down on my chair. I was lost in my thoughts as Aizawa sensei entered with our test result.

"Alright! Litsen up class! If you hear your name being called, come up and get your test. Score a score of 70% then you would get to go to Hongkong." He said boldly. Everyone in the class gasped including me. A person that never ever studied. I wanted with Jiro, gosh, I should've at least tried my best.

"Allright! Uraraka! Great job! 75% pack your bags, we're leaving on sunday." He said as Uraraka cheered. He then started to call more names. Some got 70 some got 100.

"Kaminari! Great job. You've improved. 100%" I gasped and so the class. I saw Jirou and I smiled at her. I grabbed my test and walked back to my desk as Shoji High fived me.

"All right class, I was lying about the 70% grade thing. The average was only 60% everyone gets to go!" He said as he wrote the time and details on what we needed to pack.

"Now, the trip is also for experiences in being an actuall hero. You'll be taking shifts as you go on patrol. You are given full acces to your quirk if you do encounter a villain. Now, change and go to your hero class." He said. Everyone stood up and went to ground zero as they waited for all might.

"I AM HERE! Blerfgh" he spat blood as he landed.

"Today, we will be doing another sparring training event. You will be setted up with another students in class as you try to defeat them with you quirk. Now, remember youngsters, do not kill your classmates. Knocking them out is already winning now, I shall draw names." The deflated version of all might said. It really sucks now that the simble of peace is gone.

The list was made. This is the sparring pairs.

Koda vs Sato
Deku vs Kirishima
Jiro vs Tokoyami
Uraraka vs Shoji
Todoroki vs me
Aoyama vs Bakugou
Sero vs Yaoyaorozu
Mineta vs Tooru
Tsuyu vs iida
Ojiro vs mina.

I'm up against Todoroki on the 5th set. Holy shoot.

To be continued~

Yo! Its Rou again! Well the story is longer than usual. Its like, 701 words not including me speaking to ya'll. Well, chapter 6 should be out soon. I'll be working on it after I publish this one so stay tuned! As usuall, stay safe and read daily! Rou out!

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