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It's funny... but the former villian Karen was named before 'Karen' was popular, since I was middle school when I wrote this book and that didnt exist then. Also, I was suprised by the amount of supposed 'references' I made to movies and shows or whatever even though I was sheltered and am unfamilar with most of ehat y'all think I referenced (even Aladdin, which I never watched til like a year or two ago.) This book is super original and the only inspiration is that the main villian A.I.R. who is inspired lightly by Ultron from Avengers! But anyway...

Glory Be To God!


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the pictures, characters, places, etc. that were in the movie, 'Meet the Robinsons' or the 'Meet the Robinsons videogame'. I only own the plot, drawings, characters, places, etc. that I made up. The reader is owned by herself.

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