17. Skinny-Dipping

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Dissatisfied by the half-squashed blackberries in my bag and the lack of appetizing food in the storage room that is mostly expired, the rabbit is beginning to look more edible than I thought possible.

Sometime in the early afternoon, I manage to convince myself to give the rabbit a try-but only on the condition that I either get a campfire going, or figure out how to use the wood-burning stove.

I venture out into the forest behind the cabin to find some firewood. The trees creep up behind the structure, the branches shielding the back half of the cabin from the sun. Returning with an armful of twigs, I hear an unusual noise coming from the cabin. As I walk around the side of the building to the front, I see Cody lying on the porch, crunching away on the small bones of the former rabbit. There are tuffs of fur here and there, but not much left of the poor creature.

The bundle of branches in my arms falls to the ground as I stare at him. He looks up in alarm from the noise as I put my hands on my hips.

"Oh sure! When I finally gear myself up to eat that thing, you went ahead and finished him off without me?"

Cody huffs at me only to continue gnawing away on the rabbit's spine.

I shake my head as I cross my arms over my chest. Looks like I'm going to have to settle for beans and corn today. A groan rumbles from my throat at the possible after-effects of eating that combination together.

Wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my arm, I look over at the lake. It's glassy surface looks inviting after working up a sweat from gathering all the wood in the forest. But is it safe? I know nothing about the lake, how deep it is, and the creatures that live in it.

I'll never know if I don't give it a try.

Chewing on my bottom lip, I debate my options as I study the lake. There wouldn't be a dock there if it wasn't safe to swim in, and deep enough to jump off at the end.

The thought of going for a swim makes me realize how thirsty I am.

I swat a mosquito buzzing around my face when I turn back to Cody. A grin tugs on the corner of my lips as I watch him chew on the bones.

Abandoning all sense of reason, I dash to the dock, peeling off my clothes as I went.

Who cares if Cody catches me naked? He's just a wolf after all. Maybe I'll sunbathe naked after the dip too? I giggle at the naughtiness of it. I'd never risk something like this back home, but out here? Who is going to catch me?

I hear Cody's claws scrape the porch, followed by the pebbles from the path grinding against each other with each step he takes as he races after me.

I glance over my shoulder, laughing at him with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Quickly, I turn my gaze forward just in time to hold my breath and jump into the dark waters at the end of the dock. Tucking my feet up to my chest, I cannonball into the lake with a splash. I hear Cody hit the water a split second later as I uncoil myself and propel myself to the surface. The water is maybe five and a half feet deep, my toes barely graze the rocky bottom with my eyes above the water.

Cody doggy-paddles around me. I swear he's trying to show off, so I splash him for good measure.

He barks, drawing more giggles from me as I kick my feet through the water and away from him.

It's colder than most pools I've been to, and I doubt I'll be able to stay in the water for more than a few minutes. However, for the time being, it is just what I need.

I stretch my arms out as I stroke through the still surface, breaking the perfect reflection of the sky with ripples that wobble and wave. Cody tries to keep up, but his doggy-paddles are no match for my childhood visits to the local pools and subsequent years of swimming lessons as a young teen.

Diving under, I turn and head back to the dock, not wanting to go too far. I pass by Cody again as he barks at me.

"Ha! You may be faster on land, but I'm faster in water than you!" I taunt as I loop back around and push myself away from the dock.

As if to prove myself, I gather a lungful of air and push my arms and legs to propel me as fast as I can through the water in a single breath. When I surface, I see Cody trying to climb out of the lake. I chuckle lightly to myself as I relax and turn myself up to face the sky. Closing my eyes, I float on my back for a few minutes, enjoying the caress of the water against my skin.

Within moments, I start to shiver and decide to head out.

Reaching my arms back, I casually backstroke my way towards the dock. Sighing, I turn over when I see I'm getting close. I could get used to this.

Before I can decide the best way to climb out of the lake, I hear car doors slamming.

My heart jumps in my throat. There are people here?

And I'm swimming naked in the lake!

Freezing in three feet of water, I lower myself and listen as a male voice calls out somewhere over the bank of the lake.

"Evan! You lazy turd-where are you?"

I reach the three-foot ledge of the lake and peer over the grass and wildflowers.

There, on the left side of the cabin, I make out the flatbed of a blue pickup truck. I hear voices, but I can't make out any words, or see anyone for that matter. Laughter cuts through the air before I lower myself fearfully and press my back into the bank.

What am I going to do? I can't go out there naked! But I can't sit here and freeze my butt off either! This is so humiliating!

Taking a deep breath, I turn around and peer out again. The cabin is about twenty-five yards from the edge of the lake, and my closest article of clothing (panties) is about five feet away. Maybe I can try and reach it without anyone noticing? My gold top is about fifteen feet away, and my black jeggings another ten feet beyond that.

Smart idea to go skinny-dipping, eh? I groan.

Ducking quickly as a pair of figures, a tall dark man and a fair skinned woman, round the corner of the cabin, I wait a moment before peeking out again. When I don't hear any voices or see anyone around, I gather my courage and crawl over the bank.

I quickly snatch my panties and halter-top and dive back into the lake. My pants are too far and I fear being caught naked in the attempt to reach them.

So much for having dry clothes now.

I scowl at myself as I resurface and swim back to the bank to put my two articles of clothing on. You should have grabbed a towel or something before jumping into the lake. You're such an idiot.

I'm shivering all over now as I attempt to crawl back into my halter-top. When I'm done, I peak over the edge of the bank again, trying not to let the rippling cold overwhelm me.

The door to the cabin swings open and the fair skinned woman rushes out with a blanket. She looks annoyed as she hurries down the porch. "I can't believe you didn't grab something for her! God, she must be so embarrassed now!"

To my surprise, she's running toward the dock-toward me!

Zara's Wolf (Book 1 of the Zara's Wolf Trilogy) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now