Chapter 17

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Jade's POV

I've been here for 15 minutes. I got dressed really quickly and got here before Tori so I can have a chance to think about my dream last night. What does it mean? It shouldn't mean anything. I don't think of Tori like that. Sure, she's beautiful and I never really realized what a good person she is. However, I don't have any feelings for her other than friendly feelings. We're getting along for our sakes so that these next few months don't have to be torture.

It's 7:40 a.m now, Tori should be here any minute. I'm pretty sure she wants to show me her song that she was writing yesterday, I assumed it at least. Why the hell else would we be in the music room?

Five minutes pass. Ten minutes. Fifteen-

"Sorry I'm late. I had to drive myself to school" she said

She was late. As if I wasn't feeling nervous already.

"That's ok" I replied

Vega was wearing a dress. Kind of strange. I didn't see her wearing dresses often, and I didn't not hate it. She looked really pretty, but I tried not to think about that.

She threw her bag on the floor beside the piano stool and motioned for me to sit next to her, so I did. She started playing a beautiful melody, something new, something I'd never heard before. It was beautiful. True. It appeared to be a song about love or something.

The lyrics we soft and clear. They talked about maybe a forbidden love. Two people who are afraid to be in love, they never really knew what love was, and they gave up. Somehow that bothered me. How would she know about that stuff? She's never really dated someone long enough to be in love.

But beautiful. Beautiful was the one to describe this song. She must've put a lot of thought into this. It was amazing.

When she was finished, I couldn't help but stare. For some weird reason, she was also staring at me, and she gave me a small smile. I could see my reflection in her big brown eyes. And we just stayed there for a while.

I don't know what came over me, and I found myself wondering what it would be like to kiss her, when no one else was there to see us. The song "I Kissed a Girl" popped into my head. How she kissed a girl and she liked it. I wondered if it would be the same for me. But I couldn't just kiss her. I wouldn't. She wanted her first kiss to be special, with someone she loved. I respected that, but as much as I would hate myself later for doing this, I leaned in until we were inches apart.

I looked at Tori, and she appeared to be fine, no strange reaction, in her eyes, I saw... desire. Did she want to kiss me? I counted. 1. I can do this. 2. I need to make sure I do not have feelings for Vega. 3. I shouldn't do it.

Without another thought, I closed the space in between us and put her lips on mine. My first thought: Wow. I tasted her cherry chap stick- kind of ironic no- I put my hand on her cheek, and she put her hand on my thigh, sending sparks through my whole body. She was kissing me back. Until she wasn't anymore. I took a few minutes to open my eyes and take in what had happened, and when I did, all I could hear was the slamming of the door behind me.

Crap. Was my first thought after I got my shit together. I just ruined everything for my and Tori's relationship. We were friends and I shouldn't have kissed her. I knew she wanted to wait for the right person, but I did it anyways. I broke her trust and I didn't know how to get it back.

I didn't even consider how she would feel about it. She did kiss me back, she must've felt something as well, or else she wouldn't have kissed back. Or maybe, it was just a reflex, to kiss me back.

It didn't stop me from feeling horrible. I stood up, grabbed my stuff and almost ran out the door and looked for Tori all over school, but I couldn't find her in the mess of all the students on their ways to class. I needed to find her. I had to make this okay. I would sort out my feelings later. Maybe I did like Tori, maybe I didn't. It could be hormones, or it couldn't. Either way, I decided to not think about me at that moment and just focused on finding Tori. She and I were friends and we were good like that. I really shouldn't have kissed for my own selfish reasons.

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