Chapter 2

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Jade's POV

I was hoping for some peace and quiet, and that's why I got to school half an hour early, but apparently, someone else had the same idea. I'd just got my morning coffee and was heading towards the lockers when I heard a familiar voice. I'd recognize it anywhere. It was Tori Vega's voice, and she was once again singing that awful song of hers from the top of her lungs, clearly thinking she was alone. I stood at the corner just staring at her. She just had to come today! So what if it was the first day of school? She could've broken a leg or been run over by a bus or both. I just couldn't deal with her. She was just so annoying, with her cheery tone everyday, and her perfect cheekbones and her perfect everything, not that I'd EVER say that to her face, because than she'd think I actually give a crap about her.

When I couldn't stand her screeching anymore, I walked up to her and cleared my throat, and she must've recognized my voice because she quickly stiffened and opened her eyes, as they drifted to my boots, to my shirt and then to my face. I quickly put on my signature smirk and glared down at her. "Vega, why are you screeching in the hallways? It's not polite" I said in the voice I always used to mock her. Now don't get me wrong, I think her voice is actually beautiful, and she was a great singer but I just hate that she just came to MY school thinking she owned the place, and ever since, she's been taking every part, every song and everything I've ever wanted! She just thought she was good at everything, and she always hid behind her cute, funny and cheerful act. And I was the only one to see her for what she really was.

"It's not polite to interrupt people's singing Jade" she said in a bored tone as she got up to look straight into my eyes. She looked normal, and not angry at all, so I wanted to see how far I could push her. "But maybe, I wouldn't have interrupted you "singing" if you were actually ON KEY! Come on' it was like hearing a cat being run over by a truck" I snapped back. At that moment, Tori's eyes were so full of anger that I thought she would burst, and she did. "I WAS NOT OFF KEY! I CAN SING, AND YOU'RE JUST FUCKING JEALOUS BECAUSE PEOPLE ACTUALLY WANT TO HER ME SING! AND YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE YOU'RE SUCH A SELF CENTERED BITCH ALL THE TIME! GOD CAN'T YOU JUST GIVE IT A FUCKING REST?!" she said now full on angry screaming at me.

I would've ripped her head right there and then with my scissors, but Sikowitz had heard our bickering and ran down the hall to break this up before he knew I'd cut her up. "What in the coconuts is going on here?! It's not even the first day off school and yet, you're already fighting!" he said "Sikowitz-"I tried to say before I was cut off. "I don't wanna here it Jade. Both of you, my room now!"

Vega and I trailed after our angry teacher shooting death glares at one another, and if looks could kill we'd both be dead by now. He opened the door for us and sat down on stage sipping his coconut milk furiously. Vega quickly closed the door and took a seat in front of the classroom, and I joined her sitting in my usual seat a few rows behind her. We watched him pace around the room. "Sikowitz are you gonna say something?" Vega asked in her normal voice, breaking the silence" But I disagreed, if there was ever a time to not break the silence it was now. "Seriously Vega, let the man-" I tried to say as once again I was cut off. I was getting really pissed off, and if he kept on doing this, I'd cut HIM up!

"Don't you ever stop?! It's been two years since Tori came to this school for Pete's sake! Why can't you just get along for the sake of everyone?" Vega started to say something, but was run over by our teacher's words. "I and I think the whole school is sick you two always fighting. I have no choice but to give you punishment. No, not punishment, but a challenge.

I'm sure he only said that because he knew that I wouldn't ever turn a challenge and down, and Vega wouldn't either because for her, if it didn't show up on her permanent record, she was happy. What is with that girl and her permanent record?! She couldn't get into a tiny bit of trouble without muttering to herself about some nonsense she had about college.

Our acting teacher sat facing us, until he finally shot upwards, enlightened by an idea. But as quickly as he got up, he sat back down clearly thinking about it some more. We sat there for what seemed like hours and hours, but I looked at the clock, only 2 minutes had passed. I was about to leave the classroom, when he shot upwards again and was now determined to say something. I looked at Vega to see her reaction, but she just sat there staring at him, wondering what was the challenge with a bored expression. I was already regretting not having turned down the offer when he opened his mouth to say: "Your challenge is..."

Tori's POV

"Your challenge is..." he started as he made a belly roll "... to fake date until semester break in order for you to get along and-"

"NO! I WILL NOT BE IN A FAKE RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS FAME SUCKING BITCH!" Jade yelled "And neither will I fake date this stuck up gank! Can't we do something else?" I said calmer than Jade, but also angry. "NO! Neither of you have a choice because this will be 75% of your semester grade." He said calmly, expecting these reactions. "And before either one of you say anything, YES, I CAN do this because I am now vice principal this year and I could give you much harsher punishment seeing as you two have been fighting and stirring up trouble since your sophomore year. Now as seniors, I expect you to behave like the young adults you are and accept the challenge" he whined

I nodded and agreed to the challenge, because I was not willing to have on my permanent record and this was already bad enough, I didn't want harsher punishment. "Are you seriously agreeing to this?! I won't fake date her!" she added pointing her finger at me,

"Do you rather be expelled Jade?" he asked with his head in his hands

Jade's POV

"Well, do you?" he asked again. I just stood there, frozen for a moment. Hollywood Arts was full weird, yet talented people, and I hate almost everyone except Cat and a few others, and I also hate Vega, even though she was in my group of "close friends". I hated coming here everyday and being outshined by Little Mrs. Perfect, sure I hated more than half of the school, but I couldn't leave this school. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me since.... Since that accident. I'd learned so much about singing, acting, dancing and writing. I'd be a crazy ass fool if I threw it all out.

I unfroze and quickly said no to my acting teacher's question, and yes to accepting the challenge, much to my dismay. I can't believe I'm actually going to do this, but if this was worth more than half my grade, I was willing to make it look real, and do a job, so this wouldn't ever happen to me again. "And when are we supposed to start dating?" I ask in a bored tone. He thinks about it for a second before he says we have one week to figure out what we're gonna do. "Well we better go get our schedules" Vega said getting up and heading for the door. "There's no need for that" Sikowitz said also getting up and grabbing something from his bag. "I've got them right here" he said as he looked at the little papers in his hands, "and it's looks like both of you have 1st period here." He said as he handed us our respective papers.

Tori's POV

I skimmed my schedule and found that I had Writing, Arts, Vocal Theory, LUNCH, and two sets of double classes of Math and Music. I sighed and took a seat once again at my usual spot, and I could feel Jade sit behind me, and I felt her smirk and her eyes shooting death glares. I just hope she won't kill me when we start "dating". Sikowitz better know what he's doing I guess, and I hope that after we complete this agonizing challenge, Jade and I had better get along better, cause I really can't take it if all of this goes to waste.

"Well, at least we can tell people about this being fake right?" I asked absentmindedly, only to give up hope when I imagined the answer. "Oh no. This is also an acting exercise, to improve BOTH your acting skills, because, dare I say it, you girls have an unique talent for acting and I do want to see you get better at it, and for that to happen, you must make EVERYONE believe that your "love" is real." Then, just about everyone started coming into the classroom. "Remember, no one must know" he added quietly as he quickly brightened up and started saying something about putting fake emotions in a scene to make it believable. Well then I guess I'd better pay attention, since I apparently gotta have a new girlfriend by next Monday.

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