Chapter 7

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Tori's POV

"TORI?!" I heard a voice scream from the top of the stairs. As I quickly pushed Jade away, I turned to face my very confused sister. "Trina, this isn't what it looks like!" I said although I think she had a hard time believing me. "What? Were you two not about to kiss? Well excuse me, but you were less than an inch apart. It pretty much looks like what I think that know that you don't think I know that is going on!" Did that even make sense? Just a bit... but she was right, there really was no explanation for Jade and I almost kissing. "We can explain this, Trina" Jade said, snapping out of her shock. "Oh can you really Jade?! You hate my sister, and you think that whatever that almost was has a logical explanation?" she said now right beside us. "Well yeah" I said rubbing the back of my neck, looking at Jade for any kind of possible answer we could give her. "Trina,-" I started, but Jade cut me off "WE'RE DATING" Jade yelled, running over my answer. WHAT? I thought we agreed (silently) to come up with a different explanation. "You're joking right?" Trina said, looking back and forth between the two of us, but we both kept a straight face, and didn't show any sign of lying. "You have gotta be kidding! Tori hates you, and you hate Tori! You've been trying to mess up her life ever since she got into Hollywood Arts!"

Jade's POV

Yes, I did say that Vega and I are dating, we would eventually "come out" as a couple, but telling Trina, didn't seem like the best idea right then. Now, we just had to convince her we were serious about this. "Okay, maybe I did try to make Tori's life hell for the past 2 years, but over the summer, while we were hanging out with out with our friends, something just clicked between us, and..." I managed to say with a somewhat dreamy look in my eyes. Tori, caught on to what I was doing and she walked over to me and put a hand around my waist sending a few sparks up my spine. "Yeah, I guess we kinda fell into liking each other. You know what they say, your biggest enemy is the person that you care most about, or you wouldn't even bother with them..." she said with a kind look in her eyes, almost as she was relieving that made up moment.

Trina just stared at us, for a long time. For like after what seemed like 1 hour, Vega finally spoke "Trina, are you gonna say something...?" she asked "This is lot to take in. For starters, I didn't think you BOTH were gay, but how do I know you're not just messing with me? How do I know this is not just some other prank?" she said suspiciously. That, I didn't think about "Can't you just take our word for it Trina? We're not rushing into anything so soon, we have only been together for a month or so. We're not ready to come yet" Jade said.

We stood there for a moment of silence. Vega and I took a seat, waiting for Trina's reply, but she seemed to be thinking really hard. Wow who knew she had a brain? Vega suddenly removed her arm from my waist and took my hand intertwining our fingers. Something about it bothered me, but at the same time it didn't. It kinda made me feel, well I guess you could say: happy, or something related. The thing was, I didn't know if I was actually happy, or if it just annoyed me.

"Okay, I'm gonna buy this, but just because Tori a goody goody and she never lies, and if you two are really together, then I'll skin you alive if you EVER hurt my little sister, got it?" she said pointing her finger in my face. "Got it" I said holding my breath a little, she actually scared me a little, me, Jade West. I quickly shook it off in time to see Trina go to the kitchen.

"What was that?!" Vega yelled whispered "I don't know, I didn't think it was a good idea to tell her right now about the Challenge, or even if she's the one we're gonna tell" I yelled whispered back "You thought it was a pretty good idea this morning. Why couldn't we just tell her? It would've been much easier that going through that!" she said "Yeah, but I panicked ok!?" I said. Vega had a surprised look on her face, and I realized what I'd said. "The great Jade West panics. Never thought I'd see the day it happened." She said with a sincere smile on her face. I looked at Vega for a second. She was beautiful tonight, how had I not seen it before, the weirdest part was that I hadn't even realize that she didn't even try to look cute. She just did. And then, out of the blue, I burst out laughing. Why? I don't know. I just started laughing, and then I realized that Tori was also laughing. Both of us laughing for no apparent reason. Soon, I was throwing my head back in laughter, Vega with her head on my lap, squirming. We were both laughing, enjoying it.

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