Chapter 15

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Tori's POV

"I'm not doing it Vega" Jade said taking a bite out of her pancakes.

After the unusual encounter with Jade's dad, I thought it was best to take her to another place, maybe take her mind off of it, at least for a while. I took her to "The Breakfast Bunch", a place I liked to go to with my dad before we didn't have so much time to do these father/daughter things. And Jade, being the person she is, refused to go to the beach when I asked her if we could go.

"Please Jade. It's just the beach" I begged sipping my orange juice

"No chance, I hate sand, and water. It bothers me" she said nonchantly

I thought about the beach she took me to a few days ago, and frankly, I had the urge to remind her that she did take me to a beach, but I decided against it. She trusted me with that information about her mom, and I wasn't going to ruin it by saying something stupid.

"Please Jade. You can just sit there, you don't have to go into the water or anything. I promise I won't make you go into the water" I begged again with my best puppy dog eyes

"Fine Vega. Don't you ever say I've never done you any favors" she sighed after a few moments of thinking

We finished our breakfast and the waitress gave us the bill, Jade and I had argued about who would pay the bill.

"I can pay the bill Vega" Jade said

"Let me pay Jade" I insisted

"The whole point of this thing is for us to get along, so let me pay the freaking bill Vega" she said handing the waitress a 50 dollar bill.

When the waitress came back with our chance she said something unusual that completely threw me off guard.

"You guys make a cute couple" she said with a smile as she walked away

"Oh we're not a couple -" I tried to say before Jade cut me off

"Yes, we are Vega" she said nudging me in the ribs reminding we actually were a couple. A fake one, but a couple none the less.

The drive from the restaurant to the beach was really short, and soon we were parked a nice shady spot in Venice Beach. As we got out of the car, Jade groaned, so I just took her arm and almost dragged her to a spot in an almost empty beach.

"Sit here and read a book or something" I said taking out a bikini from Jade's bag since I knew she had brought something in case we made plans like this.

I quickly found a washroom and changed from my clothes into a blue bikini, which I thought made me look like I had a hot body, which I didn't. Sighing, knowing that that was as good as it was gonna get, I stepped out, dropped my clothes on top of Jade's bag and ran to the water

Jade's POV

I tense up when I feel somebody's moving next to me, but when I notice it's just Vega dropping her clothes messily on top of my bag, I relax, knowing that at least it wasn't a crazy drunken dude trying to rape me or something.

As I put Vega's clothes' inside my bag, I look over to her, who is swimming in the water like a little kid. And now that I notice, Vega really doesn't have such a worthless figure... wait, no, I'm not checking her out.

Bored out of my mind in just a few minutes, I grab a random book from my bag and start reading it. It was actually quite interesting as I started to read it, a story about a man and a woman who come together through music. It was even turned into a musical and a movie. "Once" I would remember that for later.

While I was devouring the book, I head Tori yell from the water

"Come on this is amazing Jade!"

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