Chapter 9

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Tori's POV

I slowly open my eyes and close 'em again because of the light swiftly coming into my room. Today's the day, the day when I have to come out as being gay, being with Jade. I just can't help but wonder what their reactions will be. My sister fairly accepted it, but will my friends react the same way? Will they be disgusted or angry and never want to talk to us again? Will they discriminate us for our newly found sexuality? I know I'm only thinking about the bad stuff that might happen, but in my situation, I bet anyone else would freak the same way.

I check the time: 6:20. I have plenty of time to get ready. I take a quick shower, dry my hair the way I usually do, in soft curls and do my natural make up. I also decide to put a light purple highlight in my hair. I step out of the bathroom and rummage through my drawers. I settle for a pink, sleeveless blouse, tight blue jeans, a brown jacket and my usual brown boots. I go back to the bathroom and put on my earrings that had feathers. I think I look good, so I shut my bedroom door after getting my bag, and head for the kitchen to have some breakfast. I sit at the table, and make myself some toast. I eat slowly taking my time since Jade was only going to pick me up at 7:15, and I had fifteen minutes before she arrived. I poured myself some orange juice as my sleepy big sister tumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey Trina. How'd you sleep?" I ask "Well I guess. I just don't get why I have to wake up so early for this internship. I mean, I thought that life after high school would be better" she responds sitting at the table and almost dozing off. I give a cup of orange juice, which she happily drinks, and sit across from her. I twiddle with my fingers on the table before I speak up "Trina, today Jade and I are gonna come out" I say. She lifted her head slightly to show she was listening and propped herself up on her elbow. "Tori, you're probably stressing over this, but chill ok. If they're really your friends they will accept you for who you are. Don't worry, it'll be fine" she says taking my hands in hers. We both sat there for a while. "Thanks Trina. I suppose I'm overreacting" I say as I hear a car horn outside. I look at the clock and see it's 7:10, so I get up, get my bag and head out the door.

I run to Jade's car, and sit in the passenger's seat. We don't say anything but hello the entire ride to school, but when we do get there, Jade finally speaks "You ready?" I don't know whether I'm ready or not but I reply "Ready as I'll ever be" And with that being said, we both get out of the car and stare at the people coming in and out of our school. I take a deep breath, exchange glances with Jade and we both walk to the doors of Hollywood Arts, knowing that our lives would be totally different from that moment on.

Jade's POV

As soon as Tori got into the car, I felt a little relieved, but we didn't say anything but hello. The whole car ride to school, I tried to keep Tori from noticing how badly I was nervous, but being the good actress I am, I kept a straight face, not showing any sign of any emotion what so ever. I finally broke the silence and asked her "You ready?" She seemed to think a little, but she soon answered "Ready as I'll ever be".

As we got out of the car, we stared at the people going in and out of Hollywood Arts. I was very nervous about what was going to happen today and how Sikowitz would make us "come out". I didn't try to hide how I was feeling so much now because I could sense that Vega was feeling just as nervous as I was, but only just a little bit more in control. We exchanged glances and walked towards the doors of HA. The school was getting crowed because classes were starting soon, and everything seemed as normal as it should be. Beck and Cat were off making out somewhere in the school, Andre was off flirting hopelessly with some girl, and Robbie was by his locker feeling miserable without that piece of crap of his.

Tori and I part ways as we both go to our lockers to gather our books. Fortunately, we don't have Sikowitz until 3rd period, but until then I would be feeling anxious until that moment came when I would have my life changed from now on.

But what bothered me though first period was why Sikowitz was really making us do this. There were plenty of ways for him to punish us, so why did he choose just this way? I guess he just liked seeing other people face their fears or get along or as a more understandable reason, making people suffer. And also, he seems like a perv getting two girls how obviously hate each other to date. I seriously don't know what chiz goes through that guy's every day.

When the bell rang, I walked slowly to my second period, which was creative writing, but I hopelessly failed to make time slow down. It seemed to be going faster which each minute that passed. As I got to the classroom, Vega was already there, sitting uncomfortably in her seat. I sat beside her, but opposite, because we were on different sides of the room. We both looked as each other, and I saw that Tori wasn't really as miserable as I was, so I quickly looked somewhere else, anywhere else besides Vega and put I bored expression on my face, as class started. Our assignment for the day was come up with a short story, something that teens our age could relate to. And being the person I am, I quickly started thinking about something and writing down ideas before I started my actual story

Tori's POV

When second period came, I went to my next class: Creative Writing. I took a seat in the front and waiting impatiently for the teacher to arrive. I just wanted to get this over with, but I couldn't shake off the fact that I was really scared. Soon Jade arrived and she sat, somewhat, beside me, but further away from me, seeing as she was at the other end of the room.

As I looked at her, she seemed just as anxious as I was but she her expression quickly changed, so I assumed I was seeing things. The teacher then came in and gave our assignment. I thought about it. A short story that could make teens relate to it. I pondered about what I should write, and then a thought came into my head: Teens and sexuality, how some teens had a really hard time defining their sexuality, so I decided to write about that, but I wasn't sure was I was going to write yet.

My eyes drifted to Jade across the room and I saw that she had written quite a bit. I guess she already had an idea in mind and I saw her furiously writing. She was extremely talented, so I assumed that it was really good. It kinda bothered me how she was just so good at everything, writing, singing and dancing. Much better than me I suppose.

The bell rang and third period came: Sikowitz. I slowly got up and gathered my things, my story not nearly close to being finished, so I made a mental note to finish it later. When I looked back, Jade had already got out of the classroom and I was the only one there with the teacher.

I walked out of the room and very slowly made my way down the stairs to Sikowitz classroom. I supposed that if I walked slowly enough, it would all slow down, but soon enough I was in front of the door. And when I opened it, I saw that the room was mostly filled. Jade was already there, with a bored look on her face. She sure was better at hiding her feeling than me, but I didn't know how she was this calm. I sat behind her and beside Andre and Robbie.

I played with my hands looking down. Andre clearly noticed something was wrong because he stopped me from fumbling with my hands any longer "You okay Tori? You seem out of it today" he asked concerned. I quickly brightened up as much as I could and smiled "Yeah, sorry. I'm just a bit tired. Couldn't sleep last night" I said he patted my shoulder and went back to whatever he was doing before.

I felt my phone buzz and I took a look at the text: Chill Vega, you're not supposed to be freaking out this much. And guess who it was from? Jade. I looked around and when no one was looking, I kicked Jade's chair a bit, not to hurt her, but to show her how inconsiderate she was being. She turned around and gave me a death glare, but quickly turned around as Sikowitz came into the window sipping his coconut and yelling very loudly "WHO'S READY TO PLAY ALPHABET IMPROV!"

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