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A/N If you wanted to know what Darren looks like he's actually Darren Criss with a twist of Blaine attitude.

I seem to always wake up in different beds now. I looked around the room and saw I was in my old bedroom at the Cullen's. I guess my dad brought me up after my crying fit last night. "Knock knock sleeping beauty." Darren came in holding a plate of bacon and raspberry tea. "I love you." Darren grinned and handed me my plate. "How's your hand?" "It's fine Carlisle just said it was a sprain nothing broken." It was silent for a few minutes before I asked the question. "Do you want to know?" Darren looked at me unsure about his answer. "I was 4 and it was raining outside my parents thought why not take a walk." Darren stopped me with a hand. "Kendra you don't have to tell me." "No, it's fine." He nodded for me to go on. "We walked and walked till we came to this park and my mom suggested we play hide and seek. When I got to 20 I opened my eyes no parents so I went to go look I came across this tree and next thing I knew a man grabbed me and said found you. I cried and screamed for my parents to help but they didn't show. Edward heard me and scared the guy off Carlisle fixed my bruises and they took me in just like that." "What ever happened to your parents?" "I was 10 when I asked my dad he said he heard my parents thoughts about how they hired that man to kill me because they didn't want me anymore." It was silent and I knew Darren didn't have a comment. "Jacob had no right to say that to you."

We both turned and saw my dad at the door. "I talked bad about Bella I knew what I was getting into."  My dad sat next to me and held my face. "I know you don't hate her and just want the best for me but you've got to stop acting like this." "I know." "Well, now that this whole sad scene is over we are going shopping courtesy of Alice's card." Darren was waving the card in his hand making me laugh.  We were walking around Port Angeles when I heard someone call my name. "Kendra it's been forever." "Jess, what are you doing here?" "Spending a little time with my mom before I head back to college" "Cool" It was awkward so I just said bye and dragged Darren off. When we got to his place Leah was at the door waiting for us. "Leah I thought I gave you a key," Darren said carrying at least 20 bags. "Yeah I know I just walked out but I heard you guys coming so I waited." "Well go open the door we have no hands." I showed her my bags and laughed. "Well, at least you're fake smiling." "Dammit, Leah I told you not to point it out." Darren threw shorts that we brought at her with a glare. "Guys honestly I'm fine is he?" Leah and Darren both glanced at each other before answering. "He's terrible after getting beat up by Paul, Embry, and ignored by Seth he's been at home Billy is trying to get him to eat but it's not working." I felt bad that he was going through this deep down I know he didn't mean any of it but what can I do. "Oh no I know that face you're thinking of something and I'm not going to like it." Leah was mad now and had her arms crossed. "I just want to make sure he eats." "Kendra it's the imprint wanting you to do that don't give in." Leah looked like she was ready to tie me up. "Maybe she should go, Leah." We both looked at Darren but he was in deep thought. "Are you fucking crazy Jacob could've phased and scratched her like Emily." "Maybe in the sad state that he's in he won't" Leah wasn't happy and while they were debating this I was already close to the door that was still open. "Darren this is stupid I'm not letting her go over there." Leah and Darren were facing each other and I saw Darren's hand behind his back signaling me to go. I fucking love him. I carefully went out the door and started running like hell to Jacobs's house.

I got there in speed time only to be stopped by Sam. "Kendra what the hell." "I...Need...To...Speak...To...Him...Sam" I was out of breath and panting like I was in labor. "I don't..." "Look Sam I didn't just run 2 miles for you to tell me no move out my way." Sam blew his breath and moved out my way. I went into the house now noticing Billy's truck gone. Must be at Sue's. Jacobs's door was open and I heard paper being ripped and torn. I slowly walked into his room to see him sitting at his bed writing but getting frustrated and ripping the paper up. "God, why can't I write a single sentence?" "Jacob" my voice came out soft and low but he still heard me. Jake snapped up like I burned him and turned to me his eyes wide. His hair was everywhere black under his eyes and looked like he had been through hell. "Kendra" he advanced towards me so fast I had to move back. When he saw me move back he stopped and just held out his hand. "Please come here." I cracked right then and ran into his arms letting the tears fall. "I'm so sorry Kendra I didn't mean it." "Shh don't say anything." We moved apart just in time for me to slap him. "I deserved that." Jacob brought me down to his bed and went to his desk. "I got you these I was going to have Sam deliver them but I couldn't come up with a note to go with it." I didn't notice the bouquet of white roses. (A/n my favorite flower). "You didn't have to." "Yes, I did I knew what would happen if I said something about your parents and I realized how horrible it was when you left." "Yeah well, we've both been terrible to each other." I was just looking at his hands in mine loving the silence. And that's how it was us just holding each other eventually going to sleep.

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