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For the past few days, I've been near Darren whenever Jake would come over for a pack meeting or to eat. Sam kept his promise and didn't say anything, but he would always glare at Jacob. I covered up my bruises with makeup or wore bracelets, so it didn't look weird. We were still practicing in the meadow learning more things from Jasper. I felt we were prepared for the battle. My dad and Alice have been looking at me weird and when asked why Alice had a vision of bruises on my wrist I just said Sam and I were practicing in La Push and he gripped me a little hard that was a bad lie, and we all knew it. School was going good, but I kept wondering what would've happened if I went away to college. I was with my Dad right now sitting at the piano fooling around with different notes. "Are you going to tell me the real reason behind the bruises or am I going to have just to assume and kill Jacob?" I froze and felt the tears come to my eyes. "Dad Sam says it's going to get worse because we aren't acting on the imprint." My Dad just took my wrist in his hand running over them with care. "I want you to come home so badly I miss you, but I know you like the freedom and making your own choices but listen to me and at least stay at Darren's." I just nodded my head. "You know I miss these times with you remember the scrapbook we made together." "Yeah, Alice still talks about the time you had us men play tea party with you." I just laughed at that memory.

Flashback: "Daddy Aunt Alice and Rosalie aren't here to play tea party with me." All the women decided to go shopping in New York and left me with the men for the day. "Sure sweetie, in fact, why don't I make real tea and use the cookies Esme made." My dad lifted me and carried me to the kitchen starting on the tea. "Uncle Emmett Uncle Jasper join our tea party." Emmett and Jasper had just entered the kitchen from hunting. They both looked uneasy but then saw the aggressive look my father made and said yes. So there we were sitting on the floor with my tea set and tiaras on drinking tea and eating cookies.

"Well, you're a grown woman now with all your teeth." I just nudged my Dad and laid my head on his shoulder. I thought about what he said, and it's clear I need to move out sure no one will understand why but I can't be around Jake especially when he's hurting me like this, so I'm going to stay at Darren's house. I left to call Darren and tell him we were packing some of my stuff and meeting me at Sam's house. I knew Jacob would be on patrol at this time so it's a good opportunity I knew he would have a fit if he saw me leaving. "Kendra are you sure about this?" Emily was helping Darren, and I pack some of my clothes. I finally told her about my bruises, and she too was disappointed in Jacob. "I'm sorry Emily, but I can't stay here it gets so uncomfortable for you guys when Jake and I are in the same room, so I'm just going be the bigger person and leave." Emily looked sad, but she just nodded her head. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw Jacob near the bags we already packed. "Where the hell are you going?" I saw Emily go back up the stairs probably to call Sam since he was at Billy's. Paul and Embry were in the kitchen doorway now looking back in forth between us. Jake was shaking clenching his fist every so often with a murderous look I was scared out of my mind. "I'm leaving in case you couldn't tell from the bags." Jake took a step forward. "Oh yeah where are you going to go, Kendra, you don't have a home to go to the Cullen's don't want you." Ouch. "I do have somewhere to go thank you." "Where to one of those guys you go on dates with to what be a slut." Double ouch "Jake come on man." Embry decided to step in front of Jacob. I didn't realize he was getting closer to me. "Please, Jacob I'm not that type of girl I'm not balancing two guys like your precious Bella." "LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS" Jacob was enraged now, and Embry was pushing him back with his hands along with Paul. "Why because you love her it's clear she doesn't want you why can everyone see it but you."

I knew to bring up Bella was terrible, but Jacob needs to get it through his head if he would forget about Bella and be with me everything would be good. "Bella loves me she's just confused about that bloodsucker he's brainwashed her all of them have." Now I was mad. "You leave my father out of this Jacob he has nothing to do with your stupidity." "That's not even your real father Kendra didn't your parents leave you to die, want to know why because they didn't want you nobody wants you, Kendra, I don't, the Cullen's don't, nobody so just do us a favor and die." "JACOB" Sam shouted as he came through the door, but the damage was done. I was in complete shock. Jacob brought up the one subject I never wanted to think about: my birth parents. "Jacob you should be ashamed." Emily next to me now glaring at Jacob but he didn't care he almost looked happy that he just broke me. I just grabbed my bags and went passed them all to my car letting the tears come. I ignored the vibration of my phone knowing it was Alice. Darren got in the car with his hand red and face looking messed up. "What did you do.?' "Let's just say Sam has to fix Jacobs hand and nose." I did a little chuckle, but then it disappeared. "Take me to my Dad's."

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