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The pack started to growl. "The Pack wants to know why you said that and why are we so calm, The last one was from Jacob," My Dad said. I just ignored the last question and answered the first. "When Carlisle found out that my blood was different, he did some test, and well I'll just show you so don't interfere." I stood in front of Jasper and closed my eyes feeling the vibrations on the ground. I could recognize Jasper's steps and could feel his advance towards me. Without opening my eyes I quickly moved out the way and grabbed his neck bringing my wrist in front of his face, I opened my eyes to see Jasper smiling at me. "I trained you well," Jasper said as I held my hand to pull him up. I looked towards the pack to see them staring at me. My Dad came up behind me and started to explain what just happened. "Once we found out about Kendra's blood we started to see what else she could do, When she was 8 she asked me how I could concentrate on certain people's thoughts in a crowd and how Jasper can stretch his powers, We taught her how to feel people with her eyes closed and use her mind and body." Bella and The Pack were beyond amazed. "Well, I think that's it for today be good Kendra" My Dad kissed my forehead and walked over to Bella. Darren came up hugging me, earning a growl from Jacob. "Ride with me Darren" I just said with a smirk. "Of course darling" I went to my car with a wide grin and speed off down the road back to La Push with Darren singing with me.

"Wanna explain why you didn't tell us that you can somewhat fight leeches." Sam wasn't mad as I thought he would be. "You didn't ask," I said tauntingly. I made my way into the kitchen with Darren on my tail. Emily was taking muffins out of the oven and set them on the counter. "Hola chica I'm hungry" Emily just laughed and gave me a cookie. Leah entered the kitchen and took my cookie from me. "What the hell!" she just ate it with a shrug. "You know Kendra I like you more and more each day...who's this?" Darren had a giant smile on his face and introduced himself. " I'm Darren we met at the party too although you were drunker then Kendra because you danced on the table shouting toga." "You guys were that drunk" I forgot Emily was listening and just looked at her with an innocent face. " Oh, they were" Time for Darren to go. "Okay, we are going to my room to talk call when lunch is ready."

I pushed Darren in the living room just in time for Quil, Embry, And of course, Jacob to walk through the front door. "Wow Kendra that was too cool what you did with that leech." "First, Embry his name is Jasper Second, thanks." Jacob was looking at Darren with a scowl on his face, but Darren wasn't affected. "Well, we're going to my room to have sex later" I decided to say to piss Jake off which worked he started shaking while being laughed at by his friends. When I locked my door, I busted out in laughter. "You know you shouldn't tease him like that, sure he's attractive when he's mad, but he is a werewolf" I paused and just looked at Darren. Is he? "Yeah I'm gay" I just stared at him and shrugged. "Well just remember he's mine." Darren chuckled and said, " I don't want him territorial wolves are not my thing." We both laughed and started to find things we had in common and carried on from there. "So how did you find out about your blood?" asked Darren. "I found out that my blood was toxic when I tripped down the stairs getting a deep cut on my leg, everyone in the house backed away from me and covered their nose with disgust." Darren nodded. "A vampire tried to bite me last year, but he died as soon as he made contact with my blood." Before I could comment I heard Emily call everyone for lunch. This should be fun. Darren and I decided to exercise a bit to get our heart racing before we went downstairs.

We acted like we were putting our clothes back on as we entered the dining room. "So have fun?" Embry couldn't resist asking. "Yeah I'm so satisfied," Darren said surprising me. Sam almost choked on his food once he realized what we were getting at. He looked like he was going to comment but one look at Jacob, and he decided not to. We all sat down and started eating grilled cheese with salad. "Kendra there's a party tonight in Forks wanna come?" "Totally" Jacob was eating his food with the hardest face I have ever seen. I think he was going to explode. At least he knows how it feels to watch someone you have feelings for not return them fully. "Kendra I promised your dad I'd have you on a curfew," Sam said with a serious look on his face. " Oh come on Sam. I'm 18 let me live a little." "Regardless of you being toxic to vampires something could still happen to you 12 is your curfew." (A/N Mine in real life is 2 am) I just groaned and ate my food. "Mind if I join you guys at this party?" Paul had a smirk on his face enjoying Jacob's pain. "Sure Paul other than Leah and Seth you're my other favorite." All the guys protested on that one. After everyone finished eating they were getting ready to patrol or go home to catch up on sleep. Jacob looked at me from the kitchen door as Darren was giving me instructions to the party. "How are you getting home?" I asked Darren concerned for his safety.

"I live around here, so walking isn't a problem." I just smiled and waved bye as he left out the front door. As soon as the door closed, I felt a warm hand grab my arm and drag me to my room. "Jacob what the hell" Jake just shut my door and locked it. When he turned around and looked at me, I saw how dark his eyes were. He's pissed. I just kept my feet planted and stood still as he stalked over to me with a certain look on his face. I held my breath as he grabbed my waist and smelled me then whispered in my ear, "You shouldn't lie like that Kendra next time I won't be so forgiving." I'm not going to lie the way he was talking to me was making me feel a certain way. "You are my imprint only I can touch you sexually." I snapped out of my high and replaced it with anger. "Please if Bella came in here asking for sex you'd do it in a second." Jacob looked me in my eyes, and I could see the pain that I just caused by saying that. "I don't think my wolf would let me it just wants you." I pushed him away from me which shouldn't have been easy. "Well you tell your wolf he can have me when you get your feelings together." With that, I turned from Jacob to pick out my clothes for this party and how I was going to keep Sam from doing that damn curfew.

(A/N) I got the whole feeling the vibrations and stuff from toph off the avatar. I used how she described her way of bending even though she's blind and used Jasper and Edward as an example.

Kendra CullenWhere stories live. Discover now