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Here I was walking down the road in the middle of the night with a bag of clothes. I left home, and I'm never going back, and it's all because of stupid Bella. I couldn't help it she just made me so mad Emmett, and Jasper had to hold me again this time and here's how it happened:

"First my dad now Jacob huh Bella" Bella started to clutch her fist that wasn't broken in anger ha like she can beat me. "I don't know what your problem is with me Kendra, but I'm tired of it" I just had to laugh "Trying to take step figure already" "Kendra shut up" I snapped right then and there."Fuck you, Bella, I hate you, your nothing but a spoiled little bitch that needs everyone to protect her tell me does Jacob know he's been proposing to you" tears started coming from my eyes as I pointed at my dad. "Why didn't you say yes yet stringing him along for a ride too" Everyone was looking scared of the event that was soon to retake place.

"I love your Dad I do I didn't mean for him to turn his back on you" "No you didn't but you still took my place in his heart that cared for me I'm happy Aunt Rose doesn't like you" "We just had a talk" "oh yippee your learning about them but here's one thing; you will never truly be a Cullen Bella I know more about my family than you think you do it takes years hell I know more about being a vampire than you" It looked like I defeated her inside because she frowned at every word I said. "Kendra just stop" My Dad finally started to say wrong decision. "Stay out of this I don't know why you're holding onto me anymore it's not like you care. "I'm not trying to lose you Kendra you're my daughter" "You've already lost me" Kendra don't be a bitch" Bella decided to say, and it set me off. 

A cloud of darkness took over me and I just stormed up to her but Jasper caught me when I was inches from her face. "No let me at her" "Um I may need help," Jasper said losing his grip on me. Emmett sped and grabbed my other arm trying to drag me upstairs. "No, I don't need to be taken to my room cause I'm packing and leaving I'm out of here enjoy my replacement while you can" I stormed upstairs and packed some clothes and stormed out the house ignoring the pleas from Rosalie and Esme. While I was walking I felt something move in the trees I bet it was someone from the pack. "If you wanna come out you can" Great just the wolf I wanted to see big and black "Sam my man is it ok if I stay at your house I left the Cullen's" I lifted my bag to show him. He just nodded his head and let me climb on his back. When we got to his house Sam howled to get Emily's attention. "Kendra what are you doing here?" "Staying for the time being" she just nodded and ushered me inside. "Thanks Sam," I said before he walked off how much I bet Jacob knows through Sam's mind.

Sam's P.O.V

It was silent out tonight that red-head must not be trying tonight. Yeah, she knows what's waiting for her thought Jared. I can tell Jake was down for what happened between him and Kendra. Well, no one told Jake to kiss that traitor. Ugh, must Leah make things worse? Jacob just growled like he agreed with her all I saw was an image of Kendra with hurt in her eyes. Everyone thought damn. I was nearing the line when I heard footsteps definitely human I remembered that scent. "If you wanna come out you can" Kendra?  I felt Jake's attention all on my thoughts. I came out and there she was looking sad."Sam, my man, is it ok if I stay at your house I left the Cullen's. Did she go? Jacob finally thought. Must have fought Bella or something. Embry might be right about that. I don't blame her. Shut up, Leah. QUIET CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK. Everyone shut up at that command. I nodded my head and made my way for her to climb on my back. I warned Emily to come outside to help Kendra get settled. I just let them talk wondering why did she leave the Cullens. Sam, did Kendra mention me yet? No, she didn't, going to come here after patrol?. In the morning I will she's had enough for tonight. Jacob seemed so sad I felt kinda sorry for him. I just left hearing Kendra tell me thanks.


It was Graduation Day, and I wasn't home. Memories of last night played in my head, and now I was here in the La Plush the place I always ran to. My outfit had to be flawless. I am a Cullen and valedictorian. I walked downstairs to see Sam and Jacob. "Jacob, what are you doing here?" He was dressed nice and had a gift in his hand with a yellow ribbon tied around. My favorite color. "I promised you I wouldn't miss your graduation you look wonderful by the way" "I'm a Cullen, of course, I do" It was an awkward silence after I said that. "Well Miss Valedictorian you wouldn't want to be late now"

I just grinned as Sam, Jake, and I went into the truck. The silence was still there on our way to the school I knew they were thinking the same thing, so I decided to put it out there. "I left because I got into a fight with Bella she took my place in that damn family anyway" "I'm sorry Kendra," said Sam guiltly but it wasn't his fault the main person was sitting next to him. When we got to school, I saw my family there. I just ignored them as I met up with the principal. Because of the last names I had to line up with them. I walked passed my dad and Bella to Alice and Jasper. "Kendra you look beautiful I've trained you good" I smiled and hugged her. "Is your speech good?" Jasper asked. "yes it should be spent 3 weeks writing it"

We all laughed it felt good but it also still hurt. "I know you're not coming back home anytime soon even though I will see you at the party, but we all miss you" I looked at Alice knowing that she just told me the future. The music started, and we walked.

"Dear graduates well we made it these 4 years we've all had with each other have been the best. We fell in and out of love, failed at least one assignment/class, got recognized for our acts and attitudes, and here we all are together in this one room ready to get the key out of this hell hole. I have a request for all of you as you leave this room and school forever. Don't change who you are for anyone at all. Be the best you can be, and it's okay if you hit a rough patch somewhere because you can just say oh well what's next. I love you guys with all my heart. This year with you all has been extraordinary now it's up to you guys to show the world what you have as you have shown me thank you." Everyone stood up and clapped for me. I swear I had the biggest grin on my face.

When my name was called Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Alice, and my Dad stood up and clapped for me. I was giving everyone hugs, pictures, and take cares when a cold hand touched my shoulder. "We are so proud of you" I hugged Esme very tight. I loved them; they are the best grandparents ever. "Kendra here we got you something" Carlisle handed me a box that had yellow of course wrappings. I opened it to see a journal I looked up confused. "It's to write down all your thoughts for now on help you on your track as a Journalist" "Thank you guys" They both smiled and looked behind me. I knew who was behind me. I slowly turned around to see my Dad. "Well, congratulations you have successfully accomplished parenthood." My Dad looked so broken.

"Kendra I'm so sorry I haven't been a good Father to you lately I feel terrible" I felt guilty now he didn't have to rescue me and take me in, but he did because of his kind heart. "I love you Daddy" I gave him a hug surprising him just a little. I saw Jacob and Bella looking at us. I ignored her and look at Jake. I guess I could forgive him too. "Go to him" I looked at my dad surprised that he was suggesting this. "I can see you care about him and plus he keeps whining about how bad he feels." I laughed and kissed my dad on the cheek making my way towards Jake. "Congrats," he said it so careful nervous probably. "Thanks" I looked down, but Jake didn't have it his hand touched my chin making me look at him. "Kendra I am so sorry for kissing Bella and breaking your heart I love you" I just kissed him for two reasons: first was to shut him up, the second was because I loved him too, but I wasn't going to tell him that. When we pulled apart, he had the biggest smile on his face. I just laughed. Later that night at the party I was dancing with Emmett with Jacob watching from a corner. Bella looked so not cute. First she had jeans and a stupid shirt on like you just graduated where's the dress. I saw Alice stop at the stairs knowing she had a vision and the face express she had only meant one thing trouble.

Graduation outfit: Http://

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