Bella's B-day

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"Senior year how I wished for you" I was so happy that I just had to jump on my bed with joy. "Kendra Cullen you break that bed that's your allowance" I stopped immediately knowing how Esme is when it came to her furniture. Last year I had a lot of ups and downs. My Dad got a girlfriend that I hate with a passion, I made a new friend in a future werewolf that I think I have feelings for, but he's only looking at Bella, not to mention a vampire is out to pay back my dad for killing her mate. But I didn't let any of that get in the way of my outfit for today Alice would kill me if I looked terrible. It was stupid Bella's birthday and my family mainly Alice decided to put a party together for her oh the joy. 

I put on my outfit for today and walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Kendra is there a reason why you're wearing black?" Alice looked at me. "No no reason at all" My Dad and I were still not speaking to each other seeing as how we're both hard-headed. "Kendra Edward is taking you to school" I had anger written all over my face. "Fine" I knew he was going to walk with her when we got there and I hated walking by myself does something to my self-esteem and confidence Oh well I don't care let me be alone he didn't care. "That's not correct Kendra" I just looked at my Dad showing him that I didn't wanna have this talk it was going to ruin my day not that it wasn't already. "Can we go now I have to ask my math teacher a question" We both got up in silence and made on our way to school. It was so silent in the car that I just blasted my music. When we pulled up, Bella was waiting like a trained puppy. "See you later guys," I said walking away. "Kendra wait I don't want to have this type of relationship with you," My Dad said grabbing my arm I was used to the cold touch I would get every time I would come in contact with my family. "Dad can we not please just go be with Bella" He nodded and walked to Bella wishing her happy birthday. Bella took the attention my dad always gave to me. He didn't even see me off to prom last year all because of Bella and the whole James situation.



        Alice was helping me put on my heels, and Rosalie was doing my make-up. "Is Jacob downstairs?" I asked. That's right I went with Jacob. He was my best friend. When I had no one to talk to about the problems I always sneaked off to La Plush and hang out with him. "Yes, Kendra now hurry up. I want to take pictures." I walked down the stairs to see everyone except that one person.... my Dad.

        I could tell my Dad heard my thoughts because he slightly grimaced. "Why hello dear maiden" I turned around to face the one and only Jacob Black. "omg Jacob it's good to see you" I was so happy Bella, and Edward were looking at us Bella had a smile on her face, my Dad, not so much. "I came to say happy birthday to Bella, and here I get to see you also" I just laughed. "well go give the B-Day girl her present and piss my D...Brother off" Jacob didn't notice my slip up thank god. "With pleasure" I watched him walk off making me see that he grew huge, he was going to turn no doubt about it. My Dad was pissed I saw it on his face. Jacob passed me with a wink which made me giggle whoa I never giggled Jesus Kendra get your feelings together you guys can never be he will imprint on another girl that lives close to him. "So Kendra what's with you and that boy?" Jessica, my loyal follower, loved knowing about me and my life. "Jess I think school is more important than my personal life right?" Jessica's face just faltered, and she walked off with a nod.

         After school, I was still deciding what I was going to wear for stupid Bella, and her birthday I decided again with black. While my dad was talking to Bella outside the door, I was setting down the cake. "Well isn't this lovely. I hope I get something better when my birthday comes," I said folding my arms. "Kendra stop pouting, of course, you're the little princess that never grows up," said Emmett coming back from installing a radio in Bella's truck. I just smiled at Emmett knowing he was taunting me. When it was time, Bella looked uncomfortable. I didn't even want to be here. I'm missing a party for this which is unfair. Alice will pay me back. While Bella was trying to open a box, she got a paper cut that showed blood Uncle Jasper lost all control. Aunt Rose pulled me away so I won't be caught in the crossfire as my Dad pushed Bella into the table and Uncle Jasper in the piano. Jasper got carried out of the house while Carlisle took care of Bella. "Kendra to your room now" My Dad yelled at me which wasn't the right thing to do. "No, I'm going to find Jasper." I walked outside to see Emmett and Alice trying to calm him down. "Jasper hey look at me it's okay," I said trying to get his attention. I did the one thing I only knew how I cut my finger and put it in front of his face. Jasper snapped out of it and scrunched his face up in disgust. "Can you please get that of my face" I just smiled and hugged him. The next morning I looked out the window to see my Dad talking to Alice which made me also notice I was late to school. "Alice I'm late for school was anyone going to wake me up." I ran downstairs to find some things gone. "Guys what's going on" "Kendra we need to talk" my Dad had the same suit on since yesterday I could tell this wasn't good.

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School Outfit:

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