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Amazing what vampires can do. I was back in my regular classes and of course head of the school again. But my heart was empty my family's relationship with me was damaged. I barely talked to anyone when I was home using shopping to fill the time. My Dad and I didn't speak at all. He was still upset that I attacked Bella, but that was months ago so whatever. I heard he proposed to that stupid bitch the same night I punched her. Jacob hadn't talked to me in the longest ever since that phone call so I didn't visit La Plush even though I deeply missed it. But it seems I wasn't the only one, Bella tried to convince my Dad into letting her go, but that wasn't happening he didn't trust the wolves enough, but I really didn't believe her she always caused problems. Tonight I was home alone while everyone was looking for that chick Victoria. I was playing the piano enjoying having the house to myself. My Dad and Bella were in another state which made me relaxed and carefree. My phone rang, I stopped playing and saw Jessica calling me. I answered taking a deep breath. "Let me guess Jess a movie?" "You read my mind" I hung up and grabbed my keys and money. Yeah I know I shouldn't be out without someone knowing but I was an adult for Christ sakes.

The movie was boring, and it was way past midnight. I was driving home knowing that everyone was there already due to Alice calling me. I felt something moving along the tree which made me pull over I know stupid right. I got out of the car and came towards the trees sensing something breathing. "Who's there?" I looked closely seeing a pair of eyes look back at me for some reason I felt safe, and I wanted to know more about those eyes and who they belonged to. The eyes probably wanted to do the same seeing as how they didn't move away. "Who are you?" I yelled out.

My dad would say this is completely stupid of me, but he wasn't here. I heard a wolf howl somewhere which made the eyes twitch with sadness. It slowly looked away and disappeared. "Wait come back!" I called out, but the eyes didn't appear. With great disappointment, I got back in the car and made my way home. "Where the hell have you been Kendra?" Was that who I think it was. "Dad, what are you doing back?" "Kendra Cullen stop playing around where were you?" said my Dad. He and Alice were both standing there looking at me. I got mad seeing as how I didn't want him to talk to me. "The damn movies " I stormed up the stairs and slammed my door, but while I did that I heard Alice say. "Edward I think something happened between her and a wolf" That was a wolf I saw? Maybe it was Jacob. I just got it out of my mind and went to sleep.

The next morning was school, and I had to ride with my Dad and Bella. I was in the back ignoring them both talk about their problems. Bella and I didn't like each other at all I guess cause I tried to harm her. When we arrived, I hopped out the car before my Dad could call me back as I was walking to the entrance I stopped to see a familiar face. "Jacob" He turned around and looked at me with those eyes that I missed. He cut his hair and was wearing a shirt that worked for him. "Kendra?" He said with a strange emotion to his tone. "What are you doing here?" I was trying my hardest not to stare at him. "So it was you" I was confused by what he said, but I couldn't ask because Bella and my dad came behind me. It got stranger as my Dad dragged me behind him like he was protecting me. "Jacob you need to leave now" my Dad warned.

The whole time the conversation took place I was staring at Jacob with admiration and him glancing back at me every chance he got. "I need to speak to you," Jacob said finally staring at me. My Dad started to growl and push me back further. "You will not speak to her" "Well if she can't can I?" Bella said out of nowhere I looked at her with anger in my eyes. "Go ahead Bella" Bella, and I looked at My Dad like he had lost it completely. "That's not fair how come Bella gets to talk to Jacob!" "Just leave it alone Kendra and go to class" Bella and Jacob were already climbing on the bike but before he left Jacob looked at me sadly. "Bye Jake" I whispered, but I knew he heard me as he drove off. "Just know I hate you," I said to my Dad and then stormed to homeroom.


I can believe I just no, I don't want to think about it, I don't even remember what I want to talk to Bella about now ugh this is so confusing but somehow deep inside I knew it would be Kendra. I explained to Bella about imprinting, and she asked me did I imprint yet, and Kendra's smiling face showed up in my mind I looked at Bella and said. "yeah I think I have."

Kendra CullenWhere stories live. Discover now