Common Ground ch. 43

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Hearing the door open, people had been coming in and out the last hour trying to get me ready and I had scared each of them away. I felt bad; they were just following orders.

"Come to hold me down while your doctor looks up my vagina, have you?" I was still in restraints, no one had been brave enough to try and remove them yet.

"I didn't know he was ordered to do that." He said his voice low, clearly ashamed.

"I thought as Alpha you knew all the goings on." I shouldn't have been trying to bait him, but I just couldn't help myself. I was pissed. And how could he not know, that was supposed to be his job.

"The elders have been keeping things from me, but that won't continue." I scoffed. "Fallon this is why we need to do this, soothe their doubts."

"They shouldn't question me in the first place or you for that matter." The wolf in me stirred. Balling my fist, I pulled against the chains. Getting as close to the bars as I could, he watched me, unsure if I was going to try and break free.

"We are not a dictatorship, there is a certain level of trust and respect but we do not yield absolute power over them." A part of me was starting to prefer Donavon's way of leadership, it was cruel but effective.

"So what's the plan, drag me out in front of all of them, have them hold me down while you fuck me, how will that earn me any respect, display any form of strength? The whole pack knows I'm down here, against my will, how long will it be before it spreads, the rumors alone will divide us."

"I had no choice; you were going to run."

"You could have chosen me over some ancient tradition!" I could feel my anger building and he was luckily I was tied up in a cage.

"And disrespect the pack, the elders, go against everything I know!"

"Yes! I have given up everything to be with you! Everything I know to stand by your side and you can't even give me the decency of time, we could have done this is a year but you didn't even ask, you just expect me to keep being the one who compromises on everything and that's not fair!" There, it was all out on the table and the truth of the matter was, I wasn't nearly as mad as I was hurt.

Retreating back against the wall. I heard his footsteps and when I looked, he was walking away. My heart sank. Hearing the key being pulled from it's hook he started my way again.

"What are you doing?" Opening the cage, he came to me, undoing my restraints one by one until I was free. Standing over me, he placed his hand on the small of my back and pulled me into him. Stroking my cheek with his other hand, all the pain and anger disappeared and was replaced with that familiar warmth.

"Alright." He whispered looking down at me, his eyes soft. "We'll do it your way, just promise me you won't run, not now, not ever." Stunned, I was utterly stunned. We had been having this same fight for what felt like months and now he had decided to give in.

"What about everyone who's here, the elders?"

"They'll understand." His hand left my hair and trailed down my neck. Feeling myself get excited at his touch, he sensed it too, and I felt him stiffen against me.

Pushing up on my tip toes I captured his lips, devouring them. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me up and my legs encircled him. Pulling my shirt off, I discarded it to the side as he brought his lips to my chest, kissing the tops of my breasts. Moaning, I quickly got rid of my bra and after a moment he let me down so we could both undress fully.

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