The Tension ch. 30

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Returning back to the main house I was a buzzed from our impromptu drinking session and needed food.

"Did you still need that question answered?" I jumped at the sound of his voice, I hadn't heard him come in, I guess for all my advancing, drinking still greatly affected me.

"Nope, I'm good." I said pulling food out of the fridge. I wondered who stocked the fridge and did all the cooking and cleaning. I didn't know how many people lived here, but the place was always clean and there was always food. I wondered if there was a chore wheel or something I didn't know about. Consumed with my own thoughts I didn't even realize Eloi coming over to my side.

"Have you been drinking?" he asked as he watched me put together a sandwich. "It's not even 5pm."

"Are you judging me?" I asked looking up at him. He was leaning against the counter, his strong arms crossed over his broad chest and his hair pulled back into a loose bun. Pulling my eyes from him I had to stop looking at him, the conversation from this afternoon had stirred up a lot of desires but I wasn't going to initiate with him again. I had tried twice and failed each time. Keeping my eyes focused on the food I tried to not think about him, how close he was or how good he smelt.

"I'm not judging I'm just curious what problem was so serious it required alcohol to solve." Turning my back to him to put the ingredients away I felt her stirring at the sound of his voice, if I didn't get myself under control in a second he'd know how much I wanted him. Turning back to my sandwich it was gone, looking up he had it in his hands.

"Hey!" Feeling my desire dissolve I looked at him incredulously.

"I skipped lunch and it's just a bite, you can share." He said setting it back down on the plate.

"Why, you don't." Picking up the sandwich I took a bite and looked up at him. His green eyes were bright as he looked down at me.

"And what is it I don't share?" His voice was deep and alluring. Stepping forward off the counter he got close to me. "Everything I have is yours." Placing his hand on the small of my back he pulled me into him and his body pressed up against mine made me melt. "So tell me," he whispered leaning his head down, "what is it you need?"


I wanted to be the one she came to with her problems, it was killing me not knowing what was on her mind and why she felt she couldn't ask me. It also didn't help I had spent the last day in a half replaying in my mind how close we had been lately to finally having sex. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep myself away from her almost to the point I was glad I was sleeping in the study.

Looking up at me her dark eyes burned, I knew she was tempted. Clutching her sandwich still, I brought a hand up to her cheek and she closed her eyes leaning into my touch.

"Sorry, didn't know anyone was in here." Growling as he entered she jumped from my arms. Moving around me and out of the kitchen she ran upstairs. Pushing passed the intruder, she shouldn't have run, it only made me want her more.


Escaping upstairs, I set the sandwich down and went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. It wasn't even mating season and I could hardly control my feelings for him I was not looking forward to how out of control things could get. Patting my face dry I heard the door to the room open and I knew he had followed me. She liked that he had followed after her, she liked the control. As his footsteps approached the doorway I felt her push to the front, drawn out by the anticipation of it all. Turning around, my eyes met his and I knew the games were over.

Crossing the distance between us in a blink of an eye, he had me up on the counter, my legs around his waist and his hands in my hair. Bringing his head down to the crook of my neck he inhaled me, the warmth from his body lighting a fire in my own. As my arousal seeped into the air his grip tightened on my hair as it spurred his own excitement. Placing his lips gently on my skin, it burned, shooting sparks through every vein in my body. Pulling him closer with my legs my hands dipped under his shirt and trailed up his chest. A low growl rumbled in his throat and it made me smile.

Kissing along my neck when he hit my sweet spot I moaned and his hardened member twitched against my thigh. Placing his lips on mine his kiss was hungry.

"Fallon?" His voice was low and I knew what he was asking, we had been denying ourselves this for a long time and while it might have been a smart idea this was an itch that was long overdue to be scratched. Bringing my hands to the side of his face I kissed him deeply, showing I wanted this, him. Pulling me from the counter he walked us back into the bedroom. Setting me down on the bed he crawled on top of me, his lips on mine before breaking away for a moment and quickly we both undressed.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: THE SUSPENSE! It's been a long time coming I know. Please vote and comment, thank you.

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