The Attack ch. 8

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Arriving at the gate it was tall and automatic, I wouldn't be going through it, but over it. Looking for a foothold or something to get me started I pulled myself up. Making it to the top I winced as I pinched myself on the sharp points. Throwing one leg over I slowly made my way over the top.

"Fallon!" There he was, I knew he'd come, I just wish I had more time. Jumping down the rest of the way, this landing was more of a crash. Grimacing, I had twisted my ankle. My escape, now rendered pathetic by my injury, was coming to a close. Why had I decided to run, I knew I wouldn't work. I had had a plan, now what was I going to do. Hearing the gate open behind and his footsteps gaining on me I knew it was pointless but I couldn't stop. Grabbing me by the arm he pulled me back to him. "I thought I had made myself clear." Staring up at him, his face was hard and serious, even his eyes. "Let's go." He pulled on me again but I didn't budge. I wasn't this girl, if he was going to keep me here I was going to fight him the entire time, he'd wish he had just let me go.


I pulled on her again and when she looked up at me I could see it taking over her. Her eyes, now black she pulled her arm from me and hunched over as it overtook her. Shifting before me she was bigger than I would have expected and her fur onyx like her eyes. Growling at me she was handling it much better this time around.

"Fallon." I didn't want to hurt her, but it didn't seem like she felt the same way. Lunging at me she tackled me to the ground thrashing and biting at me. Holding her off was difficult, at least in human form. Her back legs clawed at my chest, ripping my shirt and drawing blood. Kicking her off me I shifted, wolf to wolf maybe she'd calm down.

Staring her down she did seem more responsive. She had stopped snarling, but she was still poised for attack. I was bigger than her, she might have realized she wouldn't win this fight. Taking a step forward slowly I watched her survey me. Even just standing, she was favoring her left hindleg, if she ran she wouldn't get far, not with that ankle. As her breathing became more stable and her anger dissipated she changed back. Standing naked in human form for only a second before collapsing to the ground, it was all too much for her still.

Changing back myself I picked her up and carried her inside. She would need constant supervision, I couldn't trust she wouldn't try this again.


Waking up again, in this room again, I was pissed. They couldn't just keep me here! I had little recollection of what happened after I made it out of the gates. Obviously, he caught me, but I was getting these gaps in my mind, of time I couldn't remember, like how I got back to the house, I couldn't have possibly come willingly.

Getting out of bed there was a dead weight on my ankle. Looking down at the familiar chains from the basement I cursed, pulling against it, but it was futile. Hearing me struggle the door opened. I didn't recognize who entered, but it wasn't Eloi. His face was blank and he didn't look at me but the ground.

"You're awake." Was all he said before leaving again. Reaching for what I could I threw a pillow at closing door frustrated. Moments later he came, entering the room with such a presence it might have knocked me down if I wasn't already sitting. Seeing him didn't bring me joy, just reminded me that he was the reason I was here unable to go home. Leaping for the bed I wanted to strangle him. I didn't get far though before crashing down at his feet.

"How'syour ankle?" he asked ignoring my antics. Bending down to my level he reachedout for my right foot and I kicked at him. He chuckled, catching it in his irongrip. "I've learned my lesson love." Pulling against his grip, I back uptowards the bed, but he kept a tight hold on me and followed behind closely."Normally I wouldn't resort to such foolishness, but you can't be trusted." Hisfingers around me loosenedand he caressed my skin lightly. I could smell him again, his desire for me. Itwas also then I realized I was naked.

"If you wanted to tie me up all you had to do was ask." It had worked last time, my only mistake was not properly subduing him, I wouldn't make that mistake again. He smiled at this and his hunger grew, men were too easy. Crawling over me his face was inches from mine. His eyes had flecks of gold in them, like his hair and he had a faint scar above his left eye. Looking away and down at his mouth his lips called out to me. I remembered how they felt, how he tasted. I wanted that again.

"You know, after last time I told myself not to be suckered in by your act, but this," he leaned in closer his lips nearly on top of mine, "is different isn't it? Not an act." The small movement of his lips against mine sent electric pulsing through my body. "You want me too, don't you?" It wasn't a question at least one I didn't have to answer. My heart pounding loudly in my ears, the moisture developing between my legs and an emerging fragrance was blossoming between us. I felt my face get hot with embarrassment, my body so obviously betraying me. "It's okay darling, I want you to." With that he finally closed the minuscule gap between our lips. My body just reacted instinctively to him and his touch. Bring my hands up to his head I ran my fingers through his loose curls before coiling around them. Pulling slightly, he emitted a low, throaty growl and I smiled against his lips.

His hand on my ankle slowly slid up my calf, thigh and was drawing in close to my core. The air was thick with it now, the musk of us. I felt my nipples harden with excitement and anticipation, I wanted him, I did, but I couldn't let that overpower me. Breaking the kiss, I stared at him menacingly daring him go any further.

"You don't scare me." he said calling my bluff and smiling. "Your body can't lie as well as you can." Holding my stare his hand crept forward, "and you know what your body is telling me," he whispered. His fingers were almost to their destination and even though I wished he wouldn't a larger part of me wished he would. "It's practically screaming out for my touch, you want this." With his fingers now on me, two pushed into me slowly as his thumb came to my clit. Inhaling sharply, I couldn't help it, melting back into the bed behind me my hips pushed forward into his touch. He laughed, clearly amused by all of this. Pumping into my lightly he rubbed on my bud and sent waves of pleasure through me. Closing my eyes, my breath came out shaky and uneven. I couldn't let him do this. Feeling him withdraw his fingers I opened my eyes, confused by his sudden stop. With his eyes on mine he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking me off him. His green eyes darkened as his arousal burst forward.

Bringing his hands to my legs, making sure to run his them over every inch, he parted my legs. Inhaling he closed his eyes and I watched his whole body shiver. I knew what was coming would be great, mind-blowing probably.

"Eloi." I breathed. Pulling his eyes from his prize he looked up at me. "I'm sorry." Confusion entered his eyes but before he could react I wrapped my left leg around him, looping the chain around his neck a few times before jumping forward. Landing on top of him, my core was right over his face, a second ago maybe a very desirable position, but I couldn't let that distract me. Rolling over I pulled my leg harshly, taking the slack out of the cable it tightened around his neck. Reaching for it, his hands pulling widely at the chain and at me, trying to gain leverage.

I didn't have a plan, I didn't know if I was going to kill him or even what I'd do if I did, I hadn't gotten that far. As his face became red and his movements less forceful I could see the light leaving his eyes. At that moment they entered. Pulling me from the floor they held me at each limb, undid my hold on his neck and in an instant, he was back. Breathing heavily, he got up and stared at me darkly.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: please vote and comment people thank you, it's the only way I know if this is worth reading or total crap. Thank you.

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