Captured ch. 37

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Author's Note: Doing rapid fire updates. Keep reading and voting! Much appreciated.

It had been two hours, and while Eloi hadn't come upstairs to let me know if I could come down, a trip to the bathroom had informed my period had come and while I was relieved, I couldn't help but wonder if it was a sign, mating season was less than a week away and it felt like my body knew, like it was readying itself for something. Finding a temporary solution, I exited the bedroom and headed downstairs as quietly and quickly as I could.

"Fallon!" I don't know why I thought I'd be able to get passed him. Stopping me before I reached the door he glared down at me.

"I need to go out." I said firmly trying to get by him.

"Let someone go for you, what do you need?" While I didn't see Donovan there were a whole host of others looking on and it just didn't seem necessary to let everyone know I needed to run out for tampons.

"Please E, it's important." His eyes softened. I don't know where the nickname came from, but it seemed to please him.

"Fine, but I'm sending people with you." Rolling my eyes, he called for Wyatt and Kyle and I turned, surprise to hear his name. Emerging from the crowd, there he was and I smiled. Embracing him as he came close, I felt him tense. Releasing him, I turned to fine Eloi glaring darkly at him.

"Come on." I said ignoring. Following me out of the house, Eloi told us to hurry back and the guys nodded, some unspoken understanding between them.

Downtown, Wyatt stayed outside in the car as Kyle came in the store with me.

"It's good to see you, how's school?"

"Good, doing well." He was on his guard, scanning the store for any suspicious activity, I wasn't going to get much out of him. Trailing behind me, he didn't let me more than five feet out of his reach. Throwing stuff into my basket I figured I wasn't getting out any time soon so I decided to stock up, it was only until I got to the register that I realized I didn't have any money. Thankfully Kyle covered for me, promising to pay him back he helped me with the bags, hurrying me to the car.

"Will you relax, it's been ten minutes and we are five minutes from the house." He didn't say anything. Getting in the car I wondered how long this would last, it was already old.

As we rode home the car was silent. Sitting in the back I had tried to start a conversation with them, but it never went anywhere.

"Wyatt, the car." Kyle said looking back.

"I see it." Turning around there was a black SUV behind us. "Fallon, get down."

"I think you guys are overreacting, there are other people in the world, not all of them are out to get us." He repeated the order and I begrudgingly I obeyed. Hearing the car speed up, Kyle called Eloi, updating him. Curious, I sat up just a little to see if that SUV was a real threat.

"Fallon!" Just as I had sat up the car smashed into us. As Wyatt attempted to keep us on the road, they hit us again. As we skidded off to the side, the car rolling in the process.

"Are you guys alright?" The car was upside down and while I didn't think it was enough to kill any of us, you never knew. Hearing Kyle break the glass and wretch the door open I heard a gunshot ring out and I screamed. Scrambling from the backseat I crawled out of the car and to his side.

"Fallon run!" It didn't look like a lethal shot, but it was bleeding profusely. Looking over at Wyatt he was unconscious and I could see a little trickle of blood running from his head. I couldn't leave them, but I could hear them getting closer, there were at least five of them and I didn't know if I'd be able to take them all on, especially if them had guns.

Hearing a shot ring out, I felt the stinging sensation in my back. Hearing their footsteps rush forward I felt them pull me off the ground as Kyle growled. It wasn't a bullet, but a tranquilizer and a fast acting one. Slumping in the arms, I drug me across the forest floor back towards the car. Hearing another shot ring out I attempted to scream, but nothing came out. Throwing me in the back of their SUV we sped off.

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