The Second Escape ch. 4

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: SEXY SCENE also are you out there, reading, enjoying? let me know thanks.


Waking up was surreal. I felt out of my body, stronger, all my senses heightened, invincible. In the pitch-black room, I could make out every detail of the cage I was in and smelled blood, my blood and hear my own heart beating in my chest. Over all that I heard him, smelled him too, in the distant corner of the room. He heart was steady but picked up more when I moved. Turning his way, I recognized him from before. Trying to recall what he said, what had happened to me, all I could remember was the pain. I needed to get out of here. Standing up the chains held me firmly in place. Even from this distance I could smell his desire, he wanted me. I could use that against him.

Acting out I played on his interest in me and it worked. He stepped out of the shadows and too me. He'd have to believe I wanted him to and a part of me did. I was intrigued by him, but not enough to want to stay. Getting him to enter the cage was the first step and he did that pretty simply. He stood tall and proud, like he was someone important. I could use that ego. Teasing him, I insulted him and he fell for it hook line and sinker. My heart raced as he forced me back, his hand on my throat was tight, but not incredibly so, he wouldn't hurt me, I could see it in his eyes. Watching his eyes fall to my lips I knew what he wanted. I wanted it too, it was all part of the plan.

His kisses were like fire and they excited my whole body. But that was not the goal, I had to play the game to get what I wanted. As his lust grew stronger I knew I had him. Undoing my chains, he pulled me into his arms and I welcomed it, wrapping my legs around him willingly. Back up against the wall I could feel him hard against my core. His hands on my ass gripped it hard, he was good at this. Laying us down on the floor I knew this was my moment. Grinding against his sex his smell was everywhere, I could barely see straight. Pinning his arms to the side I knew I had to act fast, he was stronger than me. I'd only get once chance and only one arm, but that'd be enough to slow him down. As he laid under me overtaken by hunger I moved fast and cuffed him. Jumping off, I kicked the keys out of reach and ran.

I heard him growl, it was deep and animalistic. I smiled. Scrambling up the stairs and into the hall I heard voices and could smell people, but they were no where to be seen. Searching for the door, my frantic footsteps had alerted them. Reaching the front door, it was like déjà vu. Hearing their steps on the stairs I ran hoping this would be the last time.


I had to get up there. She wouldn't be in control, she'd shift at random and they'd attack instinctively. I pulled against the restraint but it wouldn't give way. Taking a deep breath, I braced myself for the discomfort. Breaking my thumb, I hissed as I forced my deformed hand through the cuff space. Not wasting any time I ran, hoping I wasn't too late.


I had to get up there. She wouldn't be in control, she'd shift at random and they'd attack instinctively. I pulled against the restraint but it wouldn't give way. Taking a deep breath, I braced myself for the discomfort. Breaking my thumb, I hissed as I forced my deformed hand through the cuff space. Not wasting any time I ran, hoping I wasn't too late.


Running felt great, like flying. I could smell the earth, hear everything in it. I had no idea what drug this was, but it was definitely better than the other one. Hearing what sounded like howls behind me I turned back to look. Wolves, giant wolves were chasing me. Confused I fell off balance and tumbled. Hearing them come close something inside me began to stir.

As their scents got closer it threw my body into overdrive. The sound of all their steps, all their hearts, all their breathing and the conflicting smells hit my body like a semi. It was confusing and it sent me reeling. Like a caged animal something scratched at me to be released. They were circling me now, coming in for the kill. I didn't know what it was, but it burst outward. I felt my body contort and I screamed.

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