The Long Con ch. 11

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I had no sense of time, I just went by the sun outside my window. Eloi didn't visit me, but clothes and food came and I assumed it was by his orders. I tried to sleep most of the time and not think about anything because sitting idly in this room, without any power or control was making me anxious. Knocking on the door to my room I needed to be let out, I couldn't stare at the ceiling any longer and I wasn't tired.

Opening the door, they stood there, two new guards, I didn't know any of them, but new guys rotated in every so often. I hadn't seen any women, but I knew they had to be around here somewhere.

"I want to see Eloi." Normally they didn't engage with me, a few words here and there to inquire how I was doing, but nothing real extensive.

"That's not possible, he isn't here." And with that they closed the door.


I was avoiding her, but I didn't want to go back until I had an answer for her. I didn't know what I was going to do, I hadn't heard from Donovan but I knew he was just biding his time, enjoying the upper hand. After two days of it I finally went to him.

"Eloi," he said smiling, this was exactly what he wanted. "Thought you hand deliver her to me, did you?" he looked around for Fallon and I tried to keep my temper in check, this was a negotiation and I needed him in a good mood. I did have a plan B, but that would only result in driving a deeper wedge between us and I was hoping to avoid that.

"What do you want Donovan." Cutting straight to the chase I wanted to be done with him as soon as possible.

"I thought I made that clear. I'm after your girl." He said with a grin.

"That's not going to happen." He didn't say anything, just walked around his office relishing the situation he had me in.

"Is it killing you, being here, now knowing I've been with your mate-have you had her yet?" Shoving my anger down I focused on my goal, "Sure are taking your time, what's wrong, she not over me yet?" He was baiting me, but I couldn't give in. I wasn't allowed to attack him unprovoked and unfortunately his disgusting remarks weren't enough. "Well rules are rules and I believe you are pretty fond of them."

"What's she to you?"

"Nothing, but she's something to you and that's enough for me." This animosity between us had always been there. Donovan was greedy and his ascension to alpha was less than honorable. My and the others lack of respect for him was not a secret.

"I've taken a look at the laws and technically you can claim, but she doesn't belong to you and let's not forget you let her get away, while she was still human." I still wasn't sure how that happened. Donovan's lands were ten miles from the road where she was found, she was drugged and wounded, how was it possible no one found her sooner.

"Those at fault have been dealt with." He sneered. "Now when should I come pick her up?"

"If you come for her I will take it as an act of aggression against me and my pack." Taking a step forward I towered over his smaller frame. "As my mate and future Luna you have no real claim to her, I came here out of respect for you and your position but know this, if you come near her ever again, I will kill you, take over your pack, your lands, everything." I guess I was going with plan B after all. As he glared up at me he knew I was right. My claim to her was stronger.

"Okay." He said backing up, putting some space between us. "She's yours, I don't like to repeat myself anyways." Glaring at him once more I turned to leave. "I would keep a close watch on her though, be a shame if something happened to her." It wasn't an outright threat, but just enough to put me on my guard. Donovan wasn't ashamed of his killings, but I had never known him to directly attack another pack.


"Eloi!" I smelled him before I saw him and to be honest, after my lack on social interaction I was overjoyed to see him. Jumping out of bed I ran to the door just as he was closing it behind him. "Please tell me I can leave this room."

"That depends, you plan on running again?" Definitely not. During my time alone, I had developed a new plan, I'd be playing the long game. I still hadn't mastered this werewolf thing. I had changed a few times, most of which were still a blur, but I had finally learned my lesson, I could not outrun them, not yet anyways.

"I can honestly say I'm not." He eyed me suspiciously and I didn't blame him, I gave him no reason to trust me. "I want to learn about all this, about you, us." It was a little heartless I'll admit but all in the name of freedom.

He must have trusted me because he let me follow him out of the room and downstairs. His two guards never left, but it was a little victory.

"So, about that guy, Donovan?" I had been hesitant to bring it up because it didn't seem like anyone had a real plan on how to deal with it. I knew what I'd choose, but I had just been let out, I wasn't about to piss him off again.

"I took care of it." We were in the kitchen. I had already eaten lunch but I guess Eloi hadn't. I didn't press him on the matter, he said he took care of it I'd let it lie for now.

"Where is everybody?" I asked changing the subject. "How many people do you have here?"

"About twenty-five, people live scattered around on the land for the most part, a few live here with us."

"Will I get to meet them?" I was curious about the pack purely for personal reasons. I figured if I made friends and engaged in normal behaviors soon I'd just be one of the many, no one would look twice when I went about my business.

"Are you ready for that?" I nodded, I thought I was and I was definitely over seeing the same blank faces of my guards. "Tomorrow night then, we'll hold a gathering." He seemed pleased by my new-found interest, it almost made me feel bad, almost.

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