The Dinner ch. 20

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks for reading keep up the voting and commenting, tell me what you think!


"I know I said early we could spend some time together, but something has come up. Tonight?" It was after lunch and Eloi had found Kyle and I in the sunroom.

"I can't tonight, I'm having dinner with your mother." He looked at me confused. "She invited me at lunch to her place. Oh, that reminds me, Kyle can you walk me over?"

"I'll do it." Kyle didn't even protest, Eloi had put an end to the matter and without another work he left.

"Why can't no one speak to me?" Waiting till Eloi was out of earshot I decided now was my best time to ask questions. I wanted Kyle to speak honestly, without fear of repercussion.

"What do you mean?"

"No one talks to me, not in the halls or at meals."

"You mean they don't initiate." I nodded. "As the Alpha's mate, or Luna, you take top order in the pack, second only to the Alpha." I felt myself tense at these words, second to the alpha. It irked me in a way I couldn't understand. Kyle noticed however, and he apologized quickly. "I just mean to say, that the rest of us can't jump rank, not unless it's necessary."

"That's ridiculous, what if someone wanted to show me something, they'd have to wait till I came to them?"

"They could request an audience, which sounds a lot more formal than it is. Basically, they can just come see you in an official or nonofficial compacity." He went on to explain its long history and tradition but it all just sounded like a load of crap and I made him promise not to stand on such ceremony.

Upstairs getting ready for dinner with Eloi's mom I had tried on three different outfits. It felt somewhat like a job interview and even though the job in this case was Eloi's mate, which I already was and wasn't even sure I was completely sold on the whole thing, I had a compulsive need to impress this woman. It wasn't just that she was his mom, it was part of it of course, but more than that, she just seemed like a kind woman and someone to have on your side.


"You look nice." She seemed surprised to see me, I guess she had been so in her head she hadn't noticed. Smoothing out her white dress she looked herself over unsure. I didn't know what she could possibly think was wrong. She looked beautiful and soft, a look I hadn't seen before.

"You don't think it's too much? Maybe I should go more casual, I don't want her to think I'm trying too hard."

I laughed and walked over to her. "She's going to love you." She turned around and scowled.

"You have to say that." Walking over to the bed she pulled on a pair of flats. "What do I talk to her about, what does she like? What should I call her." It was cute how worked up she was over all this. Made me feel hopeful, like she was starting to feel a connection to being here and us.

"Just call her Elena." She made a face and said it sounded too informal. "I guess you could call her Mrs. Thomas."

"Is that your last name?" I nodded, even though we were mates I forgot there was still so many small things we didn't know about each other. "Mrs. Thomas," she repeated to herself, running through a list of greetings. I had never seen her this way before all unsure and nervous. Kneeling down beside her I put a hand on her knee. Pulling her out of her thoughts she stared down at me.

"Relax, please, you'll just psych yourself out." She nodded, I couldn't tell if she would listen, but she made no more outward indications that she was still obsessing.

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