Chapter Four (Fern)

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 A/N I'm so tired omg ushfnadifobgafnk'. It may only be 6:40pm for Tallie but it's fricken 1:41am for me. Blearghhh. And I have to get up at 7am tomorrow. JUST LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE. Omg I'm going to sleep. I love you all, Tornadoes. Please love me and Tallie back. 

Nighty night... morning morning. Don't let the evil worms bite. Kbye. --Fern x 

Chapter Four - GreenyBlueJade

-Three Weeks Later-

“Aurora!!” Zayn yells, making my eyes crinkle in happiness. He always someone manages to put a smile on my face, even in the worst moods. “I missed you, babe.” He whispers in my ear, and butterflies – no, elephants – stomp around in my stomach, rendering me speechless.

Well, I’m always speechless, but you get the point. I know, you already have in inkling of a question forming in that brain of yours. No. Zayn and I aren’t dating. We’re just fairweather friends.

I need him, and he wants to help me. I think. Eddy hasn’t had much time lately on his hands with is new boyfriend Jakii. Yes, the ‘hot guy’ in the restauraunt. They finally got together, and I was so happy for them.

As Zayn pulls away from me, I feel cold and small. Unsignificant.

“Let’s go inside, love. I was watching Big Bang and then you just decided to barge into my life and knock on my door.” I can feel the sarcasm in his tone, and I giggle a bit. But… a soundless giggle. However odd that sounds.

I just nod my head and smile, as he takes my hand and tows me inside. “Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate? Cookies? Crisps? TELL ME.” He urges, and I almost break down and start laughing with my actual voice.

But I can’t.

Because then it’ll all happen again. That pain of hearing my voice. The pain of knowing he wouldn’t approve, dead or alive.

Or would he?

Snapping back into reality, I point to the packet of hot chocolate ‘Christmas Mix’ he had stacked in his cupboard. He slowly pours the mixture into a mug and adds hot water and a teaspoon of sugar, as I like it. Don’t ask me why I like extra sugar, it just makes it better. That’s all there is to it.

He picks up his own teacup (yes, teacup, ever so manly) and sips at it. I can smell it from here. Herbal peppermint, with a drop of lemon. His favorite.

“Look, erm, Rora,” he starts talking but all of the sudden a loud bang comes from the front door, in persistant annoying bursts. Sort of like Sheldon’s knocking.

“WHERE IS RORA I NEED HER NOW.” I hear a familiar girly voice and my mood lightens. JO AND KRIS ARE HERE! How did they figure out I was here!?

I squeal a noiseless squeal, set down my hot chocolate and skid to the front door, tackling Zayn’s back. I jump up and down excitedly, and peek out from behind him.

“AURORA! YOU’RE PRETTIER THAN EVER DARLING!” Kris yells, and I give her a thumbs up. The usual.

I’ll be at my flat later, talk then? X I type out on my phone, and show it to them. I mean, I haven’t seen their pretty Australian heads in months but this is Zayn and Rora time. Special time with the guy that’s stolen my heart but doesn’t know it.

They open their mouths like fish but I shush them and shove them out the door. I want my hot chocolate, dammit!

“Why’d you do that, Rora?” Zayn inquires, but I just put a hand up. I want to watch Penny and Leanord get together, geez.

He wraps his arms around my waist and I laugh.

But this time I mess up.

I laugh a real laugh.

One with my voice.

Uh oh.

He turns me around with his jaw basically hitting the floor, and I push it back  up.

“B-but, you laughed! It was so cute! Rora, can you actually talk!?” He yells, jumping up and down. I just silently nod.

He urges me to talk but I mouth a no. I can’t do it. Instead, I hum.

When I'm nervous I have this thing, yeah, I talk too much
Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up
It's like I need to tell someone, anyone who'll listen
And that's where I seem to fuck up

Yeah, I forget about the consequences
For a minute there I lose my senses
And in the heat of the moment my mouth starts going
The words start flowing, oh

But I never meant to hurt you
I know it's time that I learned to
Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learned


This is a lesson learned. Because nobody's perfect.  

Nobody Knows - A Zayn Malik FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now