Chapter One (Fern)

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 Written by GreenyBlueJade

 (Aurora's picture on the side. Her singing as well)       --->

                    ---Aurora's POV---

Blink. Blink. Blink. Squint. Blink. Blink. Blink. Crap. It's time to get up. I grapple around my covers, searching for my phone. Before you even think I'm some rich bitch with an iPhone -- I'm not. I have a crappy Nokia that's practically surrounded in silver, filmy ducktape that I saved up to buy for a year. Now look at it.

Such class I have.  I check the time; it’s seven am.

"AURORA, IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" My big brother yells from what sounds like the livingroom. I groan internally. I hate waking up. But I can’t exactly complain, can I? I turn and toss until I feel no bed under me and I hit the floor with a loud thud.

I love waking up like this – I feel like I’m one with my carpet. Mmm, three-day-old granola crunched into the crevices of the ground.

I live with my brother—a 20 year old highschool drop out that works at a magazine writing as ‘Dear Miss Love Advice’. In all honesty, I find him sort of supporting, but on the other hand he can be rather rude. “Come on, Rora, you need to get to the hospital. They’ve already called once saying they need you in fast. Ella’s close.” My heart withers.

‘Ella’ is this cute little six year old girl that loves horseback riding. It’s like her dream to become an Olympic  rider. She got diagnosed with leukemia at the age of five, and since then has decided to become cuter every second.

I wrote to her that she’d live.

We all know she wouldn’t.

I give my brother the silent treatment (since I don’t talk to anybody, not even him) and peel myself up off of the floor, walking to the bathroom we shared together. I know, we share a bathroom, everybody’s going to die. Just kidding. But honestly – I don’t understand why people think they need their own bathrooms.

I open the shower door, and find a comfortable middle between hot and freezing. Rinsing out the greasiness and pouring papaya and coconut scented conditioner into my hair , I scrubbed, sniffing the air. Don’t ask me why; it’s just something I do.

I stepped out of the shower and rubbed myself dry with a battered old beach towel. “Aurora, get out of the bathroom, I gotta take a piss.” Andrew groaned. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed another towel, and my contact lenses. No, I didn’t have perfect vision like most people do. I have crappy vision and can’t read a book up close without my glasses if I tried to poke my eyes out with it.

I tightly wrap the ends of the towel around my body and unlock the door. Andrew doesn’t even notice the towel almost revealing my butt, all he cares about is going to the washroom, hurriedly shoving past me, almost causing me to drop the towel.

Which would be really awkward, considering in the hallway we have a huge window that doesn’t have blinds covering it, so the neighbor would have a full view of my nudeness. I shiver, just thinking about him. Blearghh.

I run to my bedroom, almost tripping over the dirty jeans I shared with the floor last night in my efforts to change into pajamas at such a late hour.

I rummage through my dresser, picking a regular t-shirt, and some ripped jeans and flip flops to match. Grabbing the second towel, I scrub my head with it, making sure every piece of hair is relatively dry. Running a brush through it, I grab my phone and my wallet, shoving those in my jeans pocket, and snag a grey sweater and a widened ponytail that I snap into my head.

And with that, I am off into the foggy London air at seven thirty in the morning; makeupless, barely eligible to be prancing (more or less) along the streets. My phone buzzes with a text message alert and I smile to myself.

I press the button that reads ‘Open’ and what the message holds make me laugh silently. It’s from Eddy,  my best friend.

Waz up sistaa, wanna hang 2day? Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

A wide smile spreads across my face as I walk into the hospital doors.

Sure. How about 2pm? I’m at the hospital, gotta go love. (: See you then. Xx

I hit send and look up. All around the main drag of the hospital lobby, people are rushing about. What’s the hurry? Then I roll my eyes and smirk to myself. Of course, everythings ‘the hurry.’ It’s a hospital, for godsakes.

I quietly jog to the little center for hospitalized kids. I need to see Ella. Now. I take out my whiteboard and write Ella Turnburry and show it to the desk lady. She gives me a little card with the room number and I panic a little. It’s in the short-term area.

This gives me a clear message.

Ella’s going to die today.

I open the door to her little room, and take a quick glance inside. She has the telly set to Doctor Who, and I roll my eyes, but not in a bad way. She’s in love with the Doctor.

I sit in the chair beside her, and fold my hands over hers. This is all it takes for her to burst into tears. My smile turns into a frown, and envelope her in a hug. Her shivering and shaking makes my heart break.

I hear the door open but I can’t be bothered to look at who it is. Gasps fill the room and I silently tsk them. Why are they making such a big thing about it?

But sooner than later I’m curious, as not any of them are making any sign of movement. My head perks up and all I see are five rather attractive lads staring at the two of us. One Direction, my mind fills me in. My mind picks out the one with the name that starts with a Z. He’s most handsome and his eyes, which sparkle from here, catch me off guard. I almost forget the small, torn being in my arms.

I put my finger over my mouth, shushing them with no sound.

That’s when what hurts me the most happens.

An echoing, annoying beep fills the room. It’s prolongued. And I know what it means.

Ella’s died, right in my arms.

She’s slipped from my fingers without even saying goodbye. 

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