Chapter Three (Fern)

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Chapter Three - GreenyBlueJade

---Aurora’s POV---

I can’t process this. This feeling of… not wanting to be on this Earth anymore. If Ella’s not here, I don’t want to be either. As I slowly walk out of the room, my flip flops flopping, I notice that the boys are following me as well. Wait, why do I care? Who are they to Ella? Although, I can’t ask. There’s no point.

I sit down in a comfortable chair, (whatever type of comfortable hospitals can give you), and slump down. “What’s your name?” I look up to see Zayn has asked me a question. Um? I take out my phone and type away.


He nods and smiles, staring at me. “Nice name,” he whispers.

To be honest, I don’t know what else to say. So I just sort of sit there. Until my phone vibrates and I look at the text message I’d received.

Oh my god Rora he’s so hot come, help me save me. Come to meeeeee, I need youuuuuu. Luv ya – Eddy Xx

I laugh my silent laugh and type a quick message back.

On my way. Is he Brad Pitt hot or Tom Daley hot? ;) x

I smirk and send it off into text message world. I nod at Zayn and silently leave, picking at my nails and nibbling my lip. Time to forget what just happened, and spend time with my best friend.

“Rora! Oh em gee finally you’re here, he’s right over there, do I look okay?” He swipes his hands over his hair and I hold in a giggle. He’s quite overdramatic, but I love him that way.

I give him a thumbs up and wink, peering over at the table he pointed at. Wow, he is quite attractive. I take out my white board and write, Go for it, Eddy. He’s hot as a pepper. A… red pepper, that is. ;) I laugh at my humor and show it to him. He goes a deep shade of red and starts stammering.

I push him away and just laugh. I give him another thumbs up and that’s it. I send him off to see how he communicates with other men. That… may or may not be gay. I don’t know.

I unlock the front door to the flat I share with my brother and realize he’s gone. Good. At least I’m all alone to just wallow in self pity and forever alone-ness. Because I can’t handle keeping it together forever. Not all the time, I don’t think.

I jog over to my guitar and start singing. (A/N Click play on the video in the sidebar, it’s her singing the song!) All my emotions envelope the song, and sooner than later I’m crying salty tears that are pouring down my face. I can’t handle this. Why did someone so innocent have to leave?

Just as I end the song, I put the guitar on the side of the couch and open up my laptop and go on Twitter, for some reason instantly checking Zayn’s page.

@ZaynMalik: Some people are better leaving us because their mission is done on this earth. And for the girl that was crying in the lobby; follow me. I’d like to get to know you<3 Feel better, love. X Live the rollercoaster we call life.

I burst out crying, clicking the follow button. Why did this have to be so hard?

Ding. My laptop makes an annoying bip noise and I click on the DM

@ZaynMalik @RawraRae nice twitter name, love x text me.

His number followed behind and I sighed. Why did he seem so different?

You beckoned me? –Aurora

And my healing begins, all with one simple tweet. 

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