
161 7 27

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1369

Author's Note: This is it! The last day of summer camp. Regardless of whatever choice you made yesterday, this is the final chapter for everyone. This week really just flew by, huh? Anyway, enjoy the final day :)

*     *     *

"I don't want to leave!" Poppy whined. Tears were already beginning to pool in her eyes and you hadn't even finished packing up the cabin yet.

"But think of all the fun stories you'll get to tell when you get back home!" you said, brushing some of her hair back with your fingers.

"I don't want to tell fun stories." She threw her hands up in exasperation. "I want to live them."

You turned to Jenna, who was already shaking her head as she helped another little girl roll up her sleeping bag. Your entire morning had been spent listening to kids complaining about having to go home. It's not like you didn't feel the same - leaving the camp was always sad - but you got the point after the first three times they said it.

"There's always next year!"

"Will you be here next year?"

"Probably!" you lied, figuring it was best not to add any more fuel to the fire.

This seemed to please her and she went back to neatly folding up all of her shirts. You took a deep breath and continued to walk through the bunks, helping the girls with whatever they needed. All of you were supposed to be up to the top of the hill in twenty minutes and it seemed like there were still a million things to do.

"Keep moving, girls!" Jenna said. "We don't have much time."

"That's the problem!" one of them said.

It was going to be a long twenty minutes.

By some miracle, you managed to get everything done and still make it to the top of the hill on time. The girls tried to slow things down by walking slowly or "dropping" things, but you and Jenna found ways to keep them moving. There was a reason you called yourselves the dream team.

"Can I go say goodbye to Vulture?" Poppy asked.

"Sure, but make it quick."

You watched as Poppy ran over to where Tyler was standing with his cabin. He bent down to give Poppy a hug, and when she came running back over she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Did you see that, Y/C/N? He hugged me!"

"I did see," you laughed, handing her bag back to her.

"Y/C/N!" another little girl asked. "Are you finally going to tell us who you like?"

"Yeah! I want to know if it's Vulture or DJ Spooky!"

You bent down a little bit, "It's..."

The girls all began to jump around, anticipating what you were about to say.

"None of your business!" you laughed, much to the dismay of the girls around you.

"One day we'll find out," one of the girls grumbled.

You ruffled her hair, "I'm sure you will."

The buses rounded the corner at the end of the road and all of the kids began to boo. You had to admit, it was pretty funny to watch all of the supervisors look around in disappointment.

"Alright, kiddos! We need to get you properly loaded onto these buses, so please listen for your name and wait with that supervisor."

You and Jenna gave each of the kids a hug before they wandered off to wait by the bus. Once all of your kids had left to stand with a supervisor, Jenna linked arms with you.

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