
257 7 88

Warnings: Nosy little kids, brief mention of people arguing

Word Count: 2445

Author's Note: Day two! Today's chapter has plenty of wild antics for y'all to enjoy :)

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Your ears were filled with the ringing of Jenna's alarm. You slowly sat up and stretched your arms out behind you, releasing some of the tension that had built up after sleeping on the stiff mattress.

"Good morning," Jenna smiled.

She reached up and brushed her messy hair back from her face. You swiveled your body and rested your feet on the cold wooden floor of the cabin, wincing a bit as you did so.

"We're supposed to be down at the cafeteria in twenty minutes."

"Ok, I'll get ready."

You pulled on your camp t-shirt, a pair of shorts that were already covered in dirt, and some sneakers that had become your iconic camp shoes. Jenna was nice enough to help you out with your hair, making sure that it was done in such a way that it wouldn't be constantly falling in your face during activities.

"I can't wait to meet all the girls today," Jenna smiled. "They're always so sweet."

"That reminds me, I need my name tag."

You walked over to your bag and dug around until you found the small wooden name tag. It was covered in beads and stickers from previous years; to be honest, you were surprised that you had managed to keep track of it over the years. It had quickly become one of your most prized possessions.

"Y/C/N," Jenna read. "I have to remember to call you that from now on."

"And I have to call you Daisy."

"Only when the kids are around," she laughed.

She pulled on her name tag, which was covered in its own variety of beads and stickers. You packed up your day bag while Jenna fixed her own hair, making sure that you had a couple snacks and anything else that you might need while you were out. The first day was always the busiest and trying to keep track of twenty excited eight- to ten-year-olds never made it any easier.

"Ready to go?" Jenna asked.

You grabbed your bag and pulled it on over your shoulders, "Let's do this."

Jenna grabbed the cabin keys and the two of you walked out into the morning air. The sun had still yet to come up, but the clouds were just beginning to become covered in bits of pink and orange. You could just barely hear a few other counselors exiting their own cabins.

Josh and Tyler were already sitting at a table with Brad and Mark. All four of them looked exhausted, but still managed to smile as you and Jenna took a seat across from them with your bowls of cereal.

"Today is the big day," Tyler muttered.

"Are you four feeling alright?"

"We stayed up until two in the morning messing around," Brad explained. "Josh wouldn't let me into the cabin before then."

Josh pursed his lips and stirred his cereal around, "There was stuff to explore!"

"And now we only got three hours of sleep because of it!"

"How did you two sleep?" Tyler asked, temporarily putting an end to the debate.

"Pretty good," Jenna nodded. "It's a lot quieter out here than it is at home."

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