
177 7 70

Warnings: None

Word Count: 2034

Author's Note: Sorry for the inconsistent post times this week! I've finally had a chance to sleep in and, well, I like to sleep in. I'll try and keep it a bit more consistent going forward! Enjoy day four :)

*     *     *

You were in the middle of taking a long drink of orange juice when someone tapped you on the shoulder, scaring you so bad that you almost spit it all over the table. The girls at the table began to laugh at you, but you simply wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and turned to see who it was.

"Finished it," Tyler grinned, holding his hand out to you.

Sure enough, in his hand was a red and yellow bracelet. It wasn't the prettiest bracelet that you had seen, but being a camp counselor had also created a pretty high standard in your mind. All that mattered to you was the fact that Tyler had actually spent time outside of your activity to finish it.

"I love it," you smiled. "Do you mind?"

You held out your arm and Tyler carefully tied the bracelet around your wrist. His fingers brushed lightly against your skin, sending tingles up your arm.

"That better be on your arm every time I see you until the end of this week," he said, pointing a finger at you.

"We made a deal!" you said.

"Good, now I have a table of rowdy boys and a less-than-pleased cabin partner to get back to," he laughed.

"Later, Vulture."

He lightly traced a hand along your shoulder as he walked away from your table, making you smile like an idiot. The girls were all watching your reaction.

"I told you! Vulture is the one she likes!" one of the girls said.

"No, no, no. You didn't hear the rumor that I did."

"And what was that?"

"That yesterday during arts and crafts, her and DJ Spooky chased each other around with paint. He even grabbed her arm."

"Yeah, but did he make her a bracelet?"

"You can still see the blue paint on her arm! Does it matter?"

"Girls," you cut them off and slid your arm under the table. "I'm right here."

Jenna chimed in too, "And what did we say about discussing other people's relationships?"

"Not allowed," the one who had started it all sighed, slumping back into her seat.

"Exactly, so let's talk about something else."

"What's our activity today?" Poppy asked.

Jenna pulled out her neat little folder and whipped out the weekly schedule, glancing over it quickly.

"This afternoon we have a hike with the leaders of the blue cabin and then purple cabin is in charge of the activity tonight."

"Blue cabin?" you asked.

"Yes, your favorite," Jenna laughed, shooting you a look.

"DJ Spooky," one of the kids gasped.

"Girls, make sure to fill up your water bottles before we leave the cafeteria, ok?" you said. "I don't want any of you getting dehydrated on the hike today."

"Aye, aye, captain," a couple of the girls cheered.

You and Jenna shared a look; both of your eyes were open wide.

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