
179 6 37

Warnings: Brief mention of injury (nothing graphic)

Word Count: 2152

Author's Note: I can't believe this miniseries is almost over! It's going by way too fast :( thankfully there's still a few more days to go before the week is over! Enjoy day five! :)

*     *     *

"Georgia, no!" Jenna called, watching as one of the little girls smacked her spoon straight into her bowl, sending cereal and milk alike splattering all over the table.

"I'll get napkins," you sighed, already standing up from your chair.

Josh and Tyler were both standing at the other end of the cafeteria, grabbing themselves some more breakfast. You walked up next to them and began to grab a handful of napkins to clean up the mess that had been made.

"Good morning, Y/C/N," Josh smiled.

"Y/C/N!" Tyler said cheerily, spinning around to face you. "How has your morning been?"

"Take a look," you answered, gesturing to where Jenna was having a stern talk with Georgia.

"Ooh, yikes," Tyler winced before taking a sip of the coffee he had just finished making.

"Yeah. As much as I'd love to stay and talk, that needs to be attended to."

"Good luck," Josh called after you.

"See you at the activity today!" Tyler added.

With Georgia's help, you were able to get the mess cleaned up in a matter of minutes. Jenna went with her to go grab some more cereal while you sat with the rest of the girls, making sure that no more messes were made before the end of breakfast.

"What is the activity today, Y/C/N?" one of the little girls asked.

"Music," you smiled.

"What cabin is in charge?"


"Vulture!" Poppy cheered, happily turning to her friend.

"Yes, Vulture will be there," you laughed.

*     *     *

"Hello, yellow cabin!" Mark said as you led the girls into the tent.

"Hi, Bear!" the girls answered.

All of you took a seat on the grass, with the exception of Poppy who insisted that she sit in your lap for the duration of the activity. You tried to catch Tyler's eye, but he was too busy tuning his ukulele to notice.

"Y/C/N," Poppy whispered in your ear.

"Yes?" you asked, matching her less-than-quiet whisper.

"That's Vulture!"

"Yes, it is."

Instead of an answer, Poppy began to giggle. This seemed to draw Tyler's attention, because he looked to you and smiled.

"Alright, who's ready to make some music?" he asked. All the girls immediately threw their hands into the air and began to bounce in place. "Repeat after me!"

You sang with the rest of the girls, giggling as you repeated whatever crazy lyrics Tyler managed to come up with. Everyone was having a great time.

Eventually, Tyler and Mark allowed the girls to try out a variety of instruments. You and Jenna stood off to the side and watched as the girls made ungodly sounds on Tyler's ukulele or helped Mark play the guitar. Tyler kept catching your eye the entire time and making faces as the girls produced particularly... interesting sounds.

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