The Lake with Tyler

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Tyler was hanging out just outside the cafeteria, chatting with one of the other counselors. He stopped his conversation once he saw you and came jogging over to where you were standing.

"Here to go to the lake with me?" he grinned.

"You bet."

"Great, let's not waste any time."

The walk to the lake was short, but it was a lot colder than you had expected it to be. Tyler had the sense to grab a sweatshirt before going on your little adventure, but you hadn't had as much foresight.

"Woah, look at the reflection in the lake," Tyler grinned, pointing out over the water.

You crossed your arms a little tighter and nodded, "It's pretty."

"You alright, Y/N?"

"Cold," you muttered.

"Here, take my sweatshirt," he said, already starting to take it off.

You wanted to argue with him, but your teeth were beginning to chatter so you decided it wasn't worth it. Besides, any excuse to wear Tyler's sweatshirt was a good excuse.

"Thanks," you smiled, pulling it on over your t-shirt. "Now what?"

"Want to swing?"

You looked over to the wooden swing that was hanging halfway over the water. It looked questionable at best, but what was an adventure without a little danger?


You got yourself situated on the rickety board that was serving as the seat of the swing and Tyler gave you a light push. It wasn't long before you were soaring out over the water with wind rushing through your hair. Tyler continued to push you, making you fly higher and higher.

The branch overhead started to creak more and more as you swung back and forth. You brushed it off as nothing to worry about at first, but it continued to grow louder. Flying out into the cold lake didn't exactly sound like an ideal way to end your night.

"Ty! Ty! Ty! Ty! Ty! Stop the swing!" you called frantically.

"What? What's going on?"

He stopped the swing and you immediately fell into his arms - maybe that was a bit dramatic, but your heart was beating pretty fast.

"I thought the branch was going to break," you giggled.

Tyler wrapped an arm around your waist and kept you close to his chest, "You worry a lot, you know that?"


"Here, let's go sit out on the dock."

Tyler grabbed your hand and led you out on the dock, which just about as questionable as the swing was, but you weren't about to let that stop you from spending quality time with him. You watched as he kicked off his shoes and stuck his feet into the glassy water.

"Ty!" you whispered. "Isn't that freezing?"

He laughed, "I'll go numb eventually."

You opened your mouth to say something, but stopped yourself. Instead, you sat down next to him and kicked off your own shoes before sticking your feet into the water. It was freezing, but if Tyler was going to have his feet in the water, then you were too.

The cold water made you start to shiver again, so you pulled your sweatshirt down over your hands to try and conserve as much heat as you could. Tyler noticed you shivering and held out an arm.

"Are you accepting the offer or not?" he laughed when you didn't move.

"Yes, I just have to muster up enough energy to actually move."

"Come on, dork."

You shifted closer to him so that he could wrap his arm around you. Wanting to steal as much body heat from him as you could, you wrapped your arm around his torso and leaned a little further into him. He was trying to hide it, but you could see the slightest hint of a smile on his face.

You wanted to stay there forever, just enjoying the quiet of the lake with Tyler. Your feet were so numb that you couldn't tell if you were actually able to move your toes or not, but your torso was warm.

"It's cold," Tyler whispered.

"You know, I had actually noticed that," you giggled.

"Did you know kissing is a good way to stay warm?"

"Is that your way of asking to kiss me?"

He bit his lip, "It was poorly executed, but yes."

"Come here, dork."

You turned his face towards you and leaned up to kiss him. He used his other hand to grab your hip and pull you even closer to him, pressing your body to his. You probably should have gotten flustered at the contact, but you were too concerned about body heat to care.

When you pulled away from him, you noticed there was a blue tinge to his lips.

"We should probably get back to camp before we freeze to death," you smiled, lightly brushing your thumb against his chin.

"I think that's probably a good idea."

Both of you pulled your shoes on. Your feet still felt numb, but at least having socks on would help. Tyler grabbed your hand, and together the two of you ran back to camp.

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