
149 6 33

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1392

Author's Note: I can't tell all of you how excited I am for today's chapter! I tried out something a little different and I think you're going to get a kick out of it :) Enjoy day six!

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"Everyone have your bandanas on?" you asked, looking around at all the girls.

"Aye, aye, captain!" one of them called.

"Ok, everyone get your hands in! On the count of three, we'll do a 'Go Cheetahs!', ok?"

The girls nodded and put their hands in the middle. You nodded to Jenna, who began the countdown.

"Three, two, one..."

"Go Cheetahs!" you all cried in unison, throwing your hands into the air.

"Destroy blue team!" one of the girls added with a scream.

"But in a fun, sportsmanlike way!" Jenna said, giving the girl a pat on the back.

You all dispersed across your side of the field. Josh and Brad were still huddled with the boys in their cabin, probably deciding on a strategy. On the sidelines, the rest of the cabins were patiently waiting for the start of the game or refueling with one of the many snacks that the supervisors had laid out for all of you. Capture the flag was easily one of the biggest events of the week.

"Wrap it up, blue team!" the referee called.

"We're ready!" Josh said as the rest of his team scattered.

"Ready, yellow team?"

"Ready!" you called.

"Ready, blue team?"

"Ready!" Josh answered before locking eyes with you.


The whistle blew and people took off in every direction. You had been tasked with leading offense, so you started to move towards the middle of the field, scanning for any openings that would lead you to the opposing team's flag.

It wasn't long before you were presented with your first opportunity to make a run for the flag. While most of the boys were distracted, you made a sprint down the field. By some miracle, you managed to snag the flag and start your way back down the field. People on the sidelines were cheering you on. Your fellow teammates were watching you anxiously. The middle mark was just a few yards in front of you.

"Not so fast!"

You were stopped by someone tagging your shoulder. Of course, given your complete lack of balance, you lost your footing and once again found yourself falling towards the ground. Thankfully, the stranger managed to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you on top of them, making your landing a lot less painful. Of course, this also meant that you were right on top of...

"DJ Spooky," you muttered, glaring down at the brown-eyed boy beneath you.

"You didn't think you were going to win that easily, did you?" he grinned.

"A girl can dream."

Josh's arm was still wrapped tightly around your waist, and for a moment you forgot that you were in the middle of an intense game of capture the flag. Your teammates were still yelling wildly about the flag that was balled up in your hand.



"Are you going to get up?"

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