
387 11 89

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1834

Author's Note: I'm so excited for this little miniseries! And just to be back to posting again. School is almost over for the summer and I have so many exciting things planned, just you wait! Anyway, in the meantime, enjoy day one of summer camp :)

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You spun around at the sound of the familiar voice. A few feet away, Tyler Joseph was stepping off of another bright yellow bus, not unlike the one that you had just grabbed all your stuff from. He held his arms out and you went running over to hug him.

"How have you been?" he asked as he squeezed you tightly.

You stepped away and grabbed your suitcase again, "I've been alright, what about you?"

"Great. Really great."

"Hey, where's Josh?"

As if he had heard your question, Josh Dun came stepping off the bus carrying his own collection of bags. Upon seeing you, he dropped them and opened his arms for a hug as well.

"Y/N!" he cheered. "Long time, no see."

"Only about a year," you laughed as you pulled away.

"That's a long time."

The three of you grabbed your things and started down the hill that led to the camp together. It felt nice to be out in the forest again, enjoying the fresh air and summer breeze. Being a camp counselor for a week during the summer was something that you looked forward to every year.

"Are you guys excited to meet the kids tomorrow?" you asked.

"Are you kidding?" Tyler answered. "That's like my favorite part."

"Have you thought about what camp name you're going to use this year?" Josh chimed in.

"I think I'm going to stick with Y/C/N," you answered. "It's been my name for five years, so why change it now?"

"Yeah, I think I'm going to stick with DJ Spooky," he laughed.

"DJ Spooky," you repeated. "I don't know that I'll ever get used to that."

"What about you, Tyler?"

"Vulture," he answered plainly.

You nodded. It seemed a bit dark for a camp name, but you didn't question it. Ahead of you, the camp was just beginning to come into view. Your eyes landed on a familiar blonde figure standing at the bottom of the hill, surrounded by a couple bags.

"Jen!" you called loudly.

She spun around at the sound of your voice and held her arms out to you. You crashed into her, nearly knocking her to the ground with all the momentum you had gained from your downhill run. She laughed as the two of you spun around, holding tightly onto one another.

"How are you?" she asked, holding you at arm's length.

"Great," you grinned. "So happy to be back."

"Are you ready to have the most kickass cabin this year?"

"You know it."

You and Jenna had been cabin-buddies since you both attended the camp as kids. When you both became old enough to be counselors, there was no question that you two would be partners. Even as teenagers, the two of you were inseparable.

"Hey!" Jenna called to Josh and Tyler, who were about halfway down the hill now. They each waved down to the two of you.

"This is going to be the best year yet, I can feel it," you smiled.

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