Ch.2 Friends

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We arrive at his house,as he puts his belt around my neck and takes me inside. Him and Ryan take me up stairs to his room.

"So what color collar are you gonna get him" Ryan asked.

"How about a black leather collar."

"That would be awesome man"

So they're getting me a collar,good luck trying to get it on.

"Well my mom's here so bye have fun with Legend" Ryan said then hugged Kash and left.

"Here boy" Kash said. I tilt my head,then he pats he's leg. I shake my head no.

"Oh come here please"

Well he said please. so I get up and walk over to him,he's siting on the bed. I sit in front of him with my head on his lap.

"Your a pretty boy" he said petting my head and it feel so good.

"Up" he said and pat on the bed. I hop up and laid my head on his lap again. He ran his fingers through my fur.

"I'm gald I have you. Ryan may be my friend but I don't trust him. he's homophobic and I'm gay. I can't tell him. I don't want to lose him as a friend" he said and laid back on the bed. I move were I was next to his head and lick his face.

I feel bad for him. In the our world we don't care who loves who. it's love and no one stands between it.

I see his lap top open I move the mouse and open up word doc. I start to type.

I wish I knew how you feel but I feel for you. with us wolves we don't care about gender. love is love. I'm glad I'm here with you Cash. thank you for the name I never had one and now I do. I will stick by your side.

"What are you doing boy" he asked.

I push the lap top over to him.

"What? your really smart. And my name is spelled K-A-S-H but you were close. I'm glad I got to name you and I guess we are gonna be great friends" he said then kiss my snout.

After that we looked online to find me a collar. We pick a lather collar with spikes on it and I love it.

Later it was time for him to sleep because he has school tomorrow.

I curl up in to his side on the bed as we sleep.

--next morning--

I wake up to kash's mom nocking on the door for him to get up. he just groans and puts the pillow over his head. well he needs to get up,so I nudge his side.

"No I don't want to get up" he groans.

Well I have a idea,since he's on his back, I step on his dick with all my weight. he shot up and push me off his dick.

"Well if your gonna do that then I'm up. I'm not sleeping on my back again" he said then got up and got ready.

When he left for school I followed him with out him seeing me. When he got their people were looking at me. I stayed out side the gates.

"Wow look at that wolf" some boy said. Kash turn around and saw me. I don't know why but I was happy he saw me. I waged my tail and barked.

"Legend go home" he said everyone looked at him.

"He's yours" a buff guy asked.

"Yeah I found him and he followed me home" Kash said. I ran up to him and sat in front of him.

"Man he's awesome I wish I had a wolf as a pet" the guy said then pet my head. I shook my head cause I didn't like someone other then Kash touching me.

"Yeah I let him choose to come. now legend go home before animal Control gets called to come pick up a wolf. so go I don't have you tag yet and I don't want to lose you so home" he said then pointed in the direction of his house. I nod then dash out the gates.

"Wow that so awesome" some said.

I'm glad I made Kash happy. but he has yet to tame me.

Legend collar on the side

Question who thought of "Dog With A Blog" from Disney Channel when legend was typing.

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