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Hey guys! This is it! Ruby will make her debut appearance in this chapter. Warning, there will be certain... stuff, but it was very short warning. I know what you're thinking, my story stinks because I ship RedxOC, but you'll have to understand me. Enjoy.


Red has been in love with Aggie ever since he first met her in Anger management class. It was not actually love at first sight, but everytime he was been ignored by other birds, Aggie was the first bird to comfort him and was always there for him, like after telling everyone about the pigs, and when the pigs messed up his home. He never felt this feeling before, not since he never had friends or girlfriends before. He tried to get the girls' attention when he was a teenager, but no girls ever liked him, because of his eyebrows and anger issue. During his time with Aggie, he really appreciated her effort to make him happy and accompanied him, and he didn't expect that they have the same favorite song. Before he became close with Chuck and Bomb, Red thought that Aggie was the only friend he ever trusted, but there are two more friend where they came from. She even shared to him her secret identity as a human from another world, and he understood her for being diferent from others. When he became a hero, Red was still good friends with Aggie, but he was afraid to tell her how he feels for her. She was the toughest girl he ever met, and, if he tell her, she's gonna punch him hard on the face.

When the Red Moon Festival came, Red was the most popular bird since he became the hero, and many female birds developed a crush on him and wanted to go out with him. He ran away from the girls, and hid from them. He accidentally danced with Aggie as the light of the Red moon shined above them. It is said that when the Red Moon shined above them, two souls will bind together for all eternity, but both Red and Aggie weren't sure if that's true.

Then, there was the day. Red can't go to sleep because he still thinking of when he will tell Aggie his feelings for her. He hopped out of bed, cleaned himself, and stepped out of his house to get to the beach for a fresh air.

While walking down the shore, because of his eyes are close, he didn't see where he was going as he bumped into something or someone as it fell. When he opened, he was shock when he learnt that what he bumped was a fellow red bird, a shade just like his own. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you." He extended a hand at the bird.

When the bird turned around, it is revealed to be a female red bird. Her eyes are dark chocolate brown and she wore a yellow ribbon on top of her head. When he stared at her, Red never saw a bird in the village before, who was so beautiful. In fact, she is the most beautiful bird he has ever seen. He stared at her for what felt like 2 minutes until he snapped himself out, and helped the female bird to get up.

"Um... Sorry I didn't see you, ms..."

"Ruby. Just Ruby." She extended her hand for a hand shake

"Nice to meet you. I'm Red." They shake each other's hands.

Their feathers seemed to meld together. Red touched Ruby's soft feathers as he almost blushed, and got a feeling when he held her hand.

"I know," She smiled, "I've heard about you since the pigs invaded and stole the eggs. You know, you're really kinda brave and smart."

Red blushed, "Thanks, I guess. So where are you going?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just come here for a little fresh air."

"Great, because, you know, I couldn't save those eggs if it weren't for my three best friends."

"Oh yeah, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie. I also know them, but I really want to meet them."

The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventureWhere stories live. Discover now