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donghyuck ends up staying until sunday.

donghyuck is woken up by mark shaking him telling him to quickly get dressed.

"come on.... it's so early the sun looks like it JUST came up!"

"it's 11am donghyuck..."

"too early." mark grabs his arm and yanks him up.

"go. get. dressed." mark pushes him out of his room and towards the bathroom. donghyuck groans and continues on to go get ready.

mark looks over his phone and repeatedly reads over his plans.

"if we're late because of him... i swear...." mark flops down onto his bed and sighs. moments later donghyuck comes back in.

"umm... that took you about five minutes."

"you told me to hurry up."

"okay let's just go.."

they end up making it at marks destination at 12:20.

"umm... excuse me mark?"

"what?" mark has donghyucks hand in his and is walking as fast as possible.

"why are we going on a boat?"

"be quiet." he continues walking.

mark hands the guy standing outside their tickets and runs onto the boat.

"oh my god we actually made it." mark stops and let's out a big sigh.


"stop SCREAMING!!"

"we're going somewhere!"


"quit asking questions and just enjoy it."

they head to the top of the boat and find a spot to stand.

as soon as the boat starts moving, donghyuck starts screaming.

"oh my god... OH MY GOD!!! mark what if the boat sinks? did you ever see the titantic??? this is so dumb this is so bad why am i on a boat right now?? oh my god it's really ov-" mark puts his hand over donghyucks mouth.

"shut up. it doesn't last that long it's taking us somewhere."

"where?" donghyuck says through marks fingers.

"shhh." mark removes his hand from donghyucks mouth and turns his face to the ocean.

"wowwww... it's kinda pretty!" mark smiles and stays quiet.

"oh my god! are those dolphins?" donghyuck points to a group of dolphins in the ocean.

donghyuck looks like a little kid in a candy store. mark can't help but stare at him and smile.

"mark! do you see them? they're so fast..." mark nods and looks to the ocean.


no regrets - markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now