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as soon as they reach marks room donghyuck lays down on the bed and closes his eyes tight.

mark however, just can't go to sleep.

"what did she mean by that...." he's left questioning by himself due to donghyuck being a baby.

mark looks at donghyuck passed out in his bed and smiles.

"he's like a little kid...." mark walks over and sits down on the bed. he stares at donghyuck for a little while.

"are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna comfort me?" mark jumps.

"i thought you were asleep..."

"how could i sleep knowing ghosts exist? huh mark?" mark rolls his eyes and lays down next to donghyuck.

"you idiot. hug me i need the comfort which is you." mark hesitates before wrapping his arms around donghyucks body. he's currently facing donghyucks head. donghyuck grins knowing that he won.

"hey donghyuck?"


"do you think my mom knows already...?" mark simply cannot stop thinking about what she said.

"umm... i'm pretty sure she does. why else would she even say that?" donghyuck turns to face mark. mark attempts to move back a little but donghyuck moves closer once again. mark rolls his eyes once again.

"i don't know... but i can't stop thinking like.. does she even care?"

"mark, you know how sweet she is.. she probably doesn't care. it's mostly your dad we have to worry about."

"i know. i know i know i know i'm just so nervous. what if he kicks me out? or disowns me?"

"then that means he simply doesn't deserve you. i'm pretty sure your mom will kick him out before letting you leave." mark laughs at that.

"yeah. you're right... i shouldn't be worried. i just don't wanna have to hide in the dark at my own home you know?"

"i totally understand mark." it goes quiet for a minute or two. it's just mark and donghyuck looking at one another.

mark slowly begins to close his eyes, but his grip on donghyuck doesn't loosen. donghyuck decides to flip over, causing mark to pull him into his body even more.

donghyuck just can't seem to quit smiling.

no regrets - markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now