Chapter Seven - We Need to Talk About Caity

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Mary Mason, as she had introduced herself was sitting on the armchair opposite them as if she owned the place, a classy fedora sitting tilted on her head and her arms calmly resting on either side of the chair. Loitering behind her were three younger people in their late teens: two boys and one girl. Only one of them looked like they actually wanted to be there.

Alex tried not to look at the tall boy with black and white hair who was staring up at the ceiling with a look of immense boredom on his face. He had no idea what would happen if he gave away that he'd already kind of met him.

"Mr Winters." Mason said, her pale eyes, observing Alex and his father, "The fact remains clear that there is an issue surrounding your daughter."

"Damn right, there's an issue surrounding my daughter." Alex's father stated somewhat aggressively, glaring at the three strangers, "You know that the only thing that's stopping me from calling the police right now is-"

"See, I told you we should have taken a different approach." the girl sighed, "If you'd just listened when I said we should have this talk before taking her, we wouldn't have to explain as much as we will now."

"She never listens, Kat." the boy pointed out, causing Mason to glare at them.

Carrying on, her voice sounding sligtly more aggrivated than before, Mason continued, "The fact remains," she repeated, "that your daughter is - as some might say - different from most other children her age."

Angry silence.

Mason stared at both the men she was facing and sighed as if their evident annoyance was completely irrational, "Your son is ordinary, but it has been seen that your daughter is, in fact, a Sinborn."

At that moment, Alex's father stood up, the legs of his chair scraping loudly against the wooden floorboards, "I don't know who the hell you are," he snarled, glaring at each of the strangers in turn, "but all I want to know is where you put my daughter, or-"

"She's fine." Kat cut in casually, taking Alex's father by surprise, he stopped, "We were going to fill you in on everything before you rudely interrupted."

The room went silent once again. The only thought that ran through Alex's mind was, Who the heck are these people?

Mason glared at everyone again (she appeared to have a habit of doing that) and continued, "As I was saying," she glared at everyone one more time for good measure, "Cathleen's mother was, in fact not human."

Even more silence. Alex wondered when these creeps would get all this over with and ask for a ransom or whatever they wanted. He felt the shape of his phone in his jacket pocket and was about to excuse himself when his father began to speak with a surprisingly yes angry tone of voice, sinking back into his chair.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well," said Mason smugly, leaning back into the armchair with a somewhat victorious look on her face that only ticked Alex off even more, "I take it that you didn't know her for very long? Sins don't tend to hang around much."

His father said nothing.

Alex stared at him as if he was crazy. Did his father, who had just looked like he was ready to throw the people who were most likely insane kidnappers standing just metres in front of them out the window was looking like he was actually beliving the crap that they were saying.

"I take it also, that she appeared to be different from other people." Mason went on, "You may have noticed her eyes being different colours at times or unexplained events that seemed to happen when she was around."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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