Chapter One - Setting a Trail

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Cathleen was spending her summer holidays by lying on her bed, on her iPad, writing fan fictions. Yet another day to herself to get lost in a fantasy world of awesomeness.

Sienna lashed out with her long claws, cutting open Damien's shoulder. "Do not attempt to interfere with Master Wizeman's plans!" She screeched.

Yeah, that sounded good.

Morgan helped her friend get up and turned to Sienna, aiming her bow at her heart.

For some reason, Cathleen had a nagging feeling that it sounded lame, she deleted the sentence and tried re-wording it, but the new version sounded worse than the older one. So in the end, she just re-typed the old one back up.

Her hands hovered over the letters on the screen, ready to continue typing. What now? Morgan will get what she needs out of Sienna, who will attack Jackie Chan style and narrowly escape before Morgan and Damien will fly away to one of their friends to get Damien healed. She knew what to write, but she just couldn't write it down. She sighed and turned her iPad off before shoving it under her pillow. Freaking writer's block. She'd had it for a few days now and it wasn't fun.

Soon, boredom overcame her. And she trudged into the living room where her older brother, Alex was hogging the Xbox.

"I'm bored." Cathleen announced, flopping down onto the couch.

"That's nice." Said Alex without looking at her. He was playing a game where he had to run around shooting zombies in the head.

"Can I play?"


"Can you entertain me?"


"Can I annoy you?"

"You already are."


There was a pause. Since their father was always working in his office in the city, doing some boring job that changed so often that even Cathleen could never be bothered to remember what it was, she and Alex were always stuck together during the holidays. Because of this, they were able to stay in the same room for over five minutes without having a loud argument about something extremely pointless, unlike many of the people Cathleen knew with older or younger siblings.

Cathleen leaned back and rested her feet on the coffee table that was covered with stains since no one could ever be screwed to clean them out. That's what everyone living under her roof was like, "nah, I'll do it later". But later never came. That was the reason why the apartment was always a mess, Dad was never home and the kids never could be bothered.

"I'm bored." Cathleen said again.

"I know that, Caity."

Cathleen sighed and there was more silence before she said, "Can we go out?"

For the first time ever, Alex paused his game and looked at her, "Why?" He asked.

She shrugged, "Dunno." She said, "I'm just bored and I want to get out."

"Go play on your iPad or something." Alex said, picking his game controller up and resuming his game.

"Yeah, but it got boring."

Alex dropped the controller and spun around to face her, "There definitely is something wrong with you." He said, sounding very serious, "The Caity I know would kill anyone who said anything bad about her iPad."

Cathleen smirked, "You know me very well." she told him, "But really, can we go out?"

"No." he said, going back to his game.

"But I'm bored!"

"And I'm not."

"OK then." said Cathleen, getting up and leaving the room, "Have it your way."

"Where are you going?" Alex called without taking his eyes off the TV screen.

"Out into the city." Cathleen replied and two seconds later, Alex was with her, "What are you doing?" She questioned.

"Dad will kill me if I let you go out alone." he told her, following her out the door, "As your responsible older brother, I'm coming with you."

Cathleen rolled her eyes, "I'm fourteen." she told him, "And I can hardly call you 'responsible'. Remember that time when you-"

"Shut up." Alex growled and Cathleen laughed.

Spitfire absent-mindedly poked at the smoldering leaves with a charred stick, causing ash to spiral into the air and Hurry was trying his best not to fidget, why did he have to come along? It's not like he was that powerful of a Sinborn, his abilities paled in comparison to his brother, Specter who was, at that moment sitting on the bench beside him, his amber eyes gazing at nothing.

The park was almost empty with a few little kids running around, squealing and their parents either laughing with enjoyment or yelling at their child to stop playing with the dead mice one particular kid had found. Hurry found himself wishing that he had some sort of connection with his parents, but he knew that he had none, not anymore. He wondered if Specter thought the same thing, but Specter didn't speak much and when he did, it wasn't about meaningless things like that.

Spitfire flung her stick away, got up and ran toward the play equipment. Hurry expected his brother to stop her, but he didn't. Cautiously, he got up, but the second he did, Specter said, "Don't."

That was all he needed to say. He freaked the heck out of everyone, even his own little brother.

Hurry sighed and watched Spitfire doing what she did best, acting ten years younger than her real age until a tall Indian girl with dark hair and skin appeared behind them, making Hurry jump. One of her eyes was covered by a woven eyepatch, "Hey guys, having fun?" she asked with a small smirk.

Specter didn't even look at her, "Have you found her, Dana?" he asked.

Dana rolled her eye, "I wouldn't be here if we haven't." She said, "We saw her and someone else leave the apartment so she's finally picked up our trail and has felt the desire to follow it."

"Good." Specter said, still not looking at her.

"So, we've got about an hour until she finds us here." she told them, "Be prepared to be extremely bored."

"Yay." Hurry cheered unenthusiastically.

Dana laughed, "Yeah, life sucks." She told him, "I'll tell Static to get some form of entertainment on his way here. Knowing him, he'll probably bring a TV."

"That's not so bad." Spitfire said jogging up to them, her usual crazy grin on her face.

"OK, I'll call him." said Dana, taking her sleek Nokia brick/phone out of her pocket, "In the meantime, keep a lookout for this 'Silver Girl' thingymabob. Foxx said that she's important."

Specter shook his head, "Do you take anything serious?" he asked.

"I'm being very serious." Dana said, "I am always serious." She turned and walked straight into a tree, "See?" Serious." when she saw Specter's expression, she sighed, "Alright, fine, I'm making the call. Don't kill me with your extreme cheerfulness."

As Dana left them to make her call, Spitfire went back to the play equipment and Hurry stayed where he was, certain that if he tried to leave, Specter would stop him.

Everyone, Sinborn and Sin was wanting to find the same thing, but Foxx and Vixxen had found it first at it's location in central London. Every Psychic had had a vision of some sort about the Silver Girl, though each had seen a slightly separate thing, but one thing was certain. She would be faced with a choice, no one knew what it was or when she would come across it, but her decision would either kill them or save them.

Hurry kept it to himself, but according to the vision, this 'Silver Girl' would bring more harm than good.

That Silver Crescent Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora