Chapter Six - 3:45 am in the Middle of Nowhere

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AN: I am really, really sorry that this is late...

Catleen stared at Spitfire as if she was a bomb about to go off. The redhead was too transfixed on her crappy soap opera to notice the other girl's evident unesase.

For the past half hour or so since she'd returned back to Spitfire's room, she'd been turning what Hurry had told her and what Static had done over in her mind. So the people here had powers. Like, superpowers.

You can't deny that that's actually pretty damn cool. Even if these weirdos felt the need to full-on abduct you and take you to wherever the hell the Sort-of Academy was.

Static could control electricity and Hurry had brought up that he and Spectre were psychics. What else could people here do? What could she do?

Her unease quickly left her as she began to think about what she could do that had brought her here. If she had an ability, she wanted it to be cool. Like blowing things up or being able to eat heaps of stuff without getting fat. Yeah, that would be pretty damn cool. Food...

Spitfire wailing at her laptop's screen brought Cathleen back into the present. The other girl was sniffling while practically tearing out her russet hair, mumbling about high school love triangles and sappy plotlines.

Maybe her power was the immunity to your brain turning into mush from continuously watching that crap.

As Spitfire began to load yet another episode of her infinite illiegally downloaded drama TV shows, Cathleen decided to take the opportunity to ask her a question before she could tune herself out of the real world.

"Hey, uh Spitfire?" Cathleen said quickly before Spitfire could press 'play', "What ability do you have?"

Spitfire shrugged, "Dunno," she said, "but I really want to be a psychic. They seem pretty cool." she hit 'play' and stared intently at the screen as an annoying theme song began to play.

 "So you don't know what your power is or what?" Cathleen asked a little louder, hoping that Spitfire wasn't already lost in her crazy TV show just yet.

"No, I mean I'm not a Sinborn." Spitfire explained, not taking her eyes off her screen, "I'm a human but I really want to be a Sinborn. I mean, I don't want one of my parents to be a Sin or anything, but the powers part would be pretty damn cool. I want to shapeshift, actually. Yeah, shapeshifting sounds pretty cool."

"So you're not extremely abnormal or supernatural or anythign?" Cathleen asked, trying to wrap her head around everything, "This place has normal people, too?"

Spitfire paused her TV show and turned to face Cathleen, looking slightly offended, "Yeah, so I may not be supernatural. But who says I'm not extremely abnormal?" she questioned.

It was sometime aroung 3 in the morning when Spitfire finally stopped what she was doing and fell asleep. To be more specific, she ended up falling asleep on her computer, the screen closing when she passed out on top of it.

As quietly as she could, Catleen kicked off the blanket and rolled as ninja-like as possible across the floor. Which was an extremely difficult feat as almost every square inch of the floor was covered with something.

After moving a few piles of junk, Cathleen and Spitfire had found the room's other bed lying underneath a pile of dirty laundry, magazines and tacos. It smelled slightly, but Cathleen wasn't intending on staying much longer.

She'd better make a break for it now rather than later. She had no idea when another opportunity to get away would arise.

She pulled on the jacket that she'd worn earlier around the Sort-of Academy. She'd left it lying on the foot of her bed and Spitfire didn't seem to mind that she'd taken it. The door silently swung open as she snuck outside.

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