Prologue (::)

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When the vision came, he was glad that he was alone in his room when the feeling of dizziness overtook him. As he was alone, he didn't panic. He just thought Oh crap, I hate it when this happens and lay down before he would collapse.

He didn't like having visions, but it was something that happened to all psychics and they were unavoidable. Fortunately, visions weren't common, so he never really worried too much about them as they never really showed anything too serious. Mostly stuff that didn't involve him,  like which athletes would win gold in the next Olympic Games or what will be thrown at Justin Beiber during his next live concert.

This vision, however felt different, the nausea felt before it took place was a lot worse and he could barely stand. As he began to get tunnel-vision, he gave up trying to get to his bed and lay down on the chipped, unvarnished wooden floorboards before he blacked out.

Another different thing was that usually, his visions had no sound to go with them. This time, he could hear perfectly well the sound of shouting. He found himself slumped against the wall of a warehouse, his own blood splattered everywhere before him. Three people were standing before him, two guys and a girl. The girl was screaming at the older guy, who was holding a bloody knife. The younger boy was staring at the scene, looking absolutely shocked.

"You're not him!" The girl shouted, her blue eyes burning with fury, "What did you do with him?"

He knew the two guys quite well. The girl however, was unfamiliar. The scene shifted and she was pinning the younger boy from his pervious vision against a wall, her eyes white with no hint of colour in them. The boy struggled weakly against her grip on his throat, but she effortlessly held on, her face devoid of any emotion.

"Please..." The victim gasped, weakly trying to break free, "You don't... Have to... Do... What he says!"

"You're wrong, I need to." She breathed, "I'm sorry I have to do this..." She dug her nails in, drawing blood and once again, the scene changed.

The girl was sitting at a desk, looking tense as another girl drew symbols onto her left arm with a standard black sharpie pen. Instead of ink, a silver glow was emitted from where the symbols were being made.

"Relax." Said the girl with the pen, "You're acting as if this is about to esplode or something."

"Yeah, well it's not every day that this happens to me." The silver girl said, but she still relaxed slightly, "Why's it so shiny?"

The other girl dropped her pen into a blue pencil case, "You're done." She told her, taking another pen out, she didn't answer the silver girl's question.

The scene changed again, this time, he couldn't see anything but a pale green colour.

"So, the Master of Sins has risen again?"

He heard his own voice, "I saw it five times over, I'm pretty certain that he or she's back."

Another voice was heard, dripping with sarcasm. "Yay, so we're all going to die."

He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and he turned to see a young woman standing behind him, her red hair messily tied back. The conversation carried on, but the words became distant and echoed.

"I think that's enough." The woman said, "You don't want to see the end of this vision."

"Is there any reason for that?"

The woman shrugged, "It's unnessicary." She told him, "You of all people know that you can't avoid fate once it has been foretold."

"That's not the real reason."

"It's very nasty as well. Lot's of flailing around like a fish out of water."

He let out a long sigh and pushed the woman's hand away, "Alright, I get it." He muttered,  "What am I supposed to do if I can't change the future?"

"Simple." Said the woman and she began to walk away, "We find the girl of silver."

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