Chapter Two - Immense Boredom Shall Follow Thee

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"DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cathleen screamed, ignoring the strange looks she was getting as she fired madly at the glitchy deer running across the screen. The words 'Game Over' appeared, followed by the high scores of STATIC, IMAWESOME, ANDDUMB, XKTZKSH, NERDBREATH and MUFFINS. She shoved the plastic gun back into it's holster on the side of the game and wandered through the arcade.

Most of the games were broken, glitchy or just plain crap. The arcade was practically empty, too as most sensible people were either asleep or playing on more modern technology. Only Cathleen, Alex and a handful of bored-looking kids were there along with the middle-aged owner of the place.

For almost an hour, Cathleen had been dragging her brother around the streets from once place the next, quickly becoming bored of each one. For some reason, she felt an urge to just leave and look for something, or someone. She had no idea what she wanted to find, she just desperately wanted to find it.

She found Alex trying to get a frozen Mario game to work by continuously kicking it's large, bulky frame, "Damn it." he muttered angrily, "Do any of these things even work?"

Cathleen smirked and shoved her hands into the pockets of her black jacket, "I don't suppose we can go somewhere else?" she asked, ignoring her older brother's question.

Alex looked up at her, "What?" he demanded, "We just got here!"

"And you just said yourself that this place is absolute crap." she countered, wincing when she realized that the owner of the arcade was standing a few games away from her, giving her a dirty look. "I meant that in the nicest way possible!" she called, but the man continued to glare at her.

Alex kicked the game one last time and straightened up, "Where the heck do you want to go, anyway, Caity?" he asked her, "Just make up your mind, already!"

Cathleen shrugged, "Can we go to the pet store?" she asked.


"Because puppies are cute!"

He sighed and shook his head, "You belong in a pet store." he muttered, "After the pet store, can we go home?"

She smirked, "Maaaaybe." she said slowly in a creepily cheerful singsong voice, "Unless I decide we should go somewhere else."

Ales scowled, "What are you, Supreme Overlord of the Winters family?" he asked, "It was a rhetorical question, you ninny."

"Yeah, whatever." Cathleen said, grabbing him by his wrist and dragging him out of the arcade, cheerfully waving goodbye to the grumpy owner as they exited.

The sun was beginning to set, streaking the sky with pink, orange and purple. The roads and streets were just as crowded as ever and despite it still being light, the streetlamps were on.

Cathleen felt an invisible pull and as they crossed a road, it gradually became stronger with each step she took. Weird. She thought, but dismissed it as something to do with the extreme boredom she was feeling. As they turned a corner, the feeling gradually grew less, but Cathleen could still feel it like an itch she couldn't reach. It was really annoying.

"Alright, here we are." Alex said, stopping in front of a store called Silly Sally's Joke Shop. "I know that it's name looks like the title of a book read to preschoolers, but-"

"Do they sell rubber chickens?" Cathleen interrupted, her blue eyes gleaming.

"Yeah, but-"

"Awesome!" Cathleen cheered, rushing in with a joyful grin on her face.

"Oh god..." Alex muttered under his breath and he followed her in, preparing himself to be hit over the head with a rubber bit of poultry, which is exactly what happened the second he stepped into the shop. "Hey!"

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